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Results for violence against women, services for (egypt)

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Author: Said, Samah

Title: Egypt Violence Against Women Study: Overview of Services on Violence Against Women

Summary: This report provides an overview and examination of services currently available to women victims of violence. The focus of the study is a core set of direct protection services for addressing immediate needs for women victims of violence, including health services, shelters, counseling services, help lines, and legal services. In addition, the report describes selected advocacy initiatives by NGOs in recent years which seek to prevent violence against women through legal changes, research, and awareness. To examine the services and initiatives, the report draws on a wide range of data sources. Information on services provided by the government was mostly collected through interviews with key government officials and review of laws, regulations and other key government documents. Site visits were made to eight women’s shelters, eleven health facilities, and two government-sponsored family counseling centers. Information on non-governmental services was obtained through interviews and group discussions with eighty-five NGOs active in women’s issues. The examination finds both government and NGO engagement in providing the core services for protecting victims of violence against women. However, availability of these services is quite limited overall considering the immense challenge of addressing this issue. Specific findings include: Shelters. Eight shelters are currently operating in Egypt, comprising 214 total beds. Despite the limited availability of beds, shelter managers note that many shelters are often empty for extended periods of time. Medical services. Interviewed medical professionals note that they commonly treat cases of domestic violence, but also noted that although women victims receive medical treatment, there are no specific services or protocols at hospitals and health units for victims of violence against women. Helplines. Among 85 NGOs interviewed, only 4 provide helplines, and only one of these is available 24 hours (hotline). In addition, the National Council of Women’s Ombudsmen’s office operates the only government helpline for women. Listening and counseling services. Among the 85 NGOs interviewed, eight provide in-person listening or counseling service available for women victims of violence. In addition, the Ministry of Social Solidarity (MoSS) funds and local NGOs operate 183 Family Counseling Office. Legal services. Twenty-one of the 85 NGOs interviewed provide some legal services which may be accessible to women victims of violence, although most of these organizations focus on other legal issues affecting women In addition, the NCW’s Ombudsmen’s office provides legal assistance to women on a variety of women’s issues, including violence. Advocacy and prevention strategies. Although there have been some national campaigns of note in recent years addressing violence against women, most of the 85 NGOs interviewed acknowledge that campaigns regarding on violence against women have been sporadic. Overview of Services on Violence Against Women 2 Based on the finding a number of recommendations are provided in the conclusion of the report to address the service needs of women victims of violence, focusing primarily on shelters, medical services, and the role of NGOs as service providers.

Details: Washington, DC: United States Agency for International Development, 2009. 33p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed July 10, 2012 at: http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADQ889.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Egypt

URL: http://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNADQ889.pdf

Shelf Number: 125528

Abused Women
Domestic Violence
Intimate Partner Violence
Violence Against Women, Services for (Egypt)