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Results for violence risk assessment model

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Author: Humphreys, Cathy

Title: Prevention not Prediction? A preliminary evaluation of the Metropolitan Police Domestic Violence Risk Assessment Model (SPECSS+)

Summary: The implementation of The Metropolitan Police Domestic Violence SPECSS+ Risk, Identification, Assessment and Management model (SPECSS+ model) is at an early stage. The emphasis of this report has been on a process evaluation which can shed light on how the implementation of the SPECSS+ risk assessment model is proceeding; what lessons can be learnt to inform future phases of implementation; and whether and under what circumstances it could be recommended to other forces. The evaluation team was asked to address the following questions in relation to the SPECSS+ risk assessment model: • Does it comply with the ACPO guidelines on risk assessment? • Does it address victims’ needs in terms of risk? • Does it complement safety planning? • Can the model be managed within force limitations? • Can it be applied irrespective of geography, community or policing variables? The SPECSS+ risk assessment model was developed through a series of consultations between the Met and multi-agency partners based on the evidence from the London multi-agency murder reviews and serious sexual and physical assaults (Richards, 2004; Richards, 2003). It is a three-stage model which involves an initial response, an assessment of risk and intervention to manage the risks identified. The assessment of risk is based on six prominent risk factors outlined in SPECSS+ (Separation (child contact), Pregnancy (new birth), Escalation, Culture (community isolation and barriers to reporting), Stalking and Sexual Assault). A further six additional factors are also included as prompts for front-line (FL) officers to consider (abuse of children, abuse of pets, access to weapons, either victim or perpetrator being suicidal, drug and alcohol problems, jealous and controlling behaviour, threats to kill, and mental health problems). To support the implementation of the risk assessment model the 124D form was developed for use in London, the VIVID data collection system for use in West Yorkshire, and the MPS Domestic Violence Policy and Standard Operating Procedures written. Risk assessment and risk management processes also need to comply with the ACPO Guidance on Investigating Domestic Violence (2004), which provides operational, tactical and strategic advice – the priorities of the police service in responding to domestic violence. Evaluation design To meet the evaluation brief a multi-methodological design was adopted by the evaluation team. Research was conducted in both The Met and West Yorkshire police forces. In each area, two police divisions were chosen as the evaluation sites. The following process was then undertaken: • Semi-structured interviews with 10 ‘key informants’ who were either currently or recently involved with the development of the risk assessment model. • 71 structured interviews with FL officers. • 20 face-to-face interviews with senior and specialist officers. • 7 interviews with partner agencies. • 4 interviews with victims. • Analysis of 120 case files drawn from the 4 different research sites. • Aggregate data analysis provided by West Yorkshire and the two London sites on specified variables such as: total number of incidents; total number of arrests; number of cases at each risk assessment level. • Documentary analysis of the ACPO risk assessment guidance was undertaken to assess the extent of harmony or contradiction between the guidance and the implementation of the SPECSS+ model.

Details: Coventry, UK: Centre for the Study of Safety and Wellbeing, University of Warwick and Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit, London Metropolitan University, 2005. 88 p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 29, 2012 at: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/shss/swell/research/acpo_final_report.pdf

Year: 2005

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/shss/swell/research/acpo_final_report.pdf

Shelf Number: 103422

Domestic Violence (U.K.)
Famiily Violence
Risk Assessment
Violence Against Women
Violence Risk Assessment Model