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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

Time: 1:20 am

Results for violent deaths

2 results found

Author: Trapani, Carlos

Title: Muertes y Otras Formas de Violencia Contra Ninos, Ninas y Adolescentes en un Contexto de Emergencia Humanitaria (Deaths and Other Forms of Violence Against Children, Girls and Adolescents in a Humanitarian Emergency Context)

Summary: Presentation Somos Noticia is a report published every year by CECODAP to know and monitor the situation of the rights of children and adolescents to life, integrity personnel, and to receive the protection due in situations of violence. It is an annual measurement that was made thirteen years ago, based on the established in Article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and in response to The principle of co-responsibility enshrined in the Doctrine of Integral Protection of Human Rights of children. The study examines the characteristics and magnitudes of different types of violence that they affect the development and integral protection of children in Venezuela. Given the complexity of some of these forms of violence, this year we set out share and integrate the data registered and processed by CECODAP with the reports of investigations carried out by the Venezuelan Observatory of Violence (OVV), organization that for 17 years integrates the contribution of several universities of the country, for the study of the social realities of violence in Venezuela. Specifically, OVV and CECODAP examined and could compare information and analyzes that derive from their studies on the mortality of children and adolescents in violent deaths, establishing and analyzing to describe and explain this unfortunate reality. Together CECODAP and OVV present this Annual Report 2017, to contribute to the knowledge of the magnitude of violence against children and adolescents, identifying the factors that characterize and explain it, with the clear purpose of demanding the actions that must be undertaken, without further delay, to prevent and stop violence in the lives of children and adolescents.

Details: Caracas, Venezuela: 2017. 65p.

Source: Internet Resource (in Spanish): Accessed January 16, 2019 at: http://cecodap.org.ve/descargables/derechosNNA/Somos_Noticia_2017-2018.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Venezuela

URL: http://cecodap.org.ve/descargables/derechosNNA/Somos_Noticia_2017-2018.pdf

Shelf Number: 154194

Convention on the Rights of the Child
Observatory of Violence
Rights of Children
Somos Noticia
Violence against Children
Violence Prevention
Violent Deaths

Author: Hideg, Gergely

Title: Darkening Horizons: Global Violent Deaths Scenarios, 2018-30

Summary: This Briefing Paper analyses trends in global violent deaths based on data updated to 2017, which provides a benchmark for the scenarios for the period 2018-30 that constitute the main focus of the paper. The year 2017 was characterized by a marked increase in lethal violence, primarily due to a rise in homicides (that is, non-conflict deaths). The paper presents three different, but plausible scenarios reflecting possible trends in global violent deaths in the period 2018-30. These are: (1) a 'business-as-usual' scenario, where international efforts to reduce lethal violence continue as at present; (2) a positive scenario, where concerted efforts lead to reductions in global violent death rates; and (3) a negative scenario, where inaction and escalating lethal violence cause a significant increase in global violent death rates. All three scenarios are derived from longer-term trends and underline the need for policy-makers to renew efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Target 16.1.

Details: Geneva, Switzerland: Small Arms Survey, 2019. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed May 30, 2019 at: https://reliefweb.int/report/world/darkening-horizons-global-violent-deaths-scenarios-2018-30

Year: 2019

Country: International

URL: https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SAS-BP-Violent-Deaths-Scenarios.pdf

Shelf Number: 156084

Arms Trafficking
Lethal Violence
Small Arms
Violent Crime
Violent Deaths