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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

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Results for violent extremism (kosovo)

1 results found

Author: Kosovo Centre for Security Studies

Title: Kosovo Security Barometer: Citizens' perceptions on Violent Extremism

Summary: This report is a special edition of the Kosovo Security Barometer (KSB). It represents a detailed quantitative analysis reflecting citizens' opinion on violent extremism. The results of this report show that religiously motivated violent extremism continues to be perceived as a threat to Kosovars, though not to a large extent. Respondents consider that internal religious extremism presents a larger threat to the Kosovan society rather than internationally functioning terrorism such as ISIS. The results of this survey reaffirmed that the vast majority do not support the decision of individuals to join foreign conflicts. The results showed that the respondents are largely concerned of the potential threat posed by the radicalized individuals, thus majority remained against reintegration of foreign fighters. The report measured citizens' trust towards security institutions, underlining the importance of understanding the national experts to prevent and combat violent extremism. However, the results showed that only Kosovo Police gains sufficient trust while citizens’ trust towards the judicial bodies and the Government in general continues to bear extremely low trust. Finally, the report also underlined that when it comes to violent extremism, there is a low frequency of communication between citizens and respective municipal institutions. Likewise, it highlighted the potentially important role of media when it comes to developing the citizens' mind-set regarding the violent extremism.

Details: Prishtina, Kosova: Kosovar Centre for Security Studies, 2017. 57p.

Source: Internet Resource: Kosovo Security Barometer: Accessed August 9, 2018 at: http://www.qkss.org/repository/docs/KSB_MENTORI_FINAL_605403.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: Europe

URL: http://www.qkss.org/repository/docs/KSB_MENTORI_FINAL_605403.pdf

Shelf Number: 151098

Extremist Groups
Violent Extremism (Kosovo)