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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 8:46 pm

Results for visual analytics

1 results found

Author: Stoffel, Florian

Title: Polimaps: Supporting Predictive Policing with Visual Analytics

Summary: Recently, predictive policing has gained a lot of attention, as the benefits, e.g., better crime prevention or an optimized resource planning are essential goals for law enforcement agencies. Commercial predictive policing systems commonly visualize predictions on maps but provide only little support for human analysts in the technical and methodological processes that constitute corresponding implementations. In this paper, we report on a project of bringing visual analytics to the field of predictive policing. We introduce a process model that includes machine learning as well as visualization and has been developed together with experts from a law enforcement agency. We also showcase a visual analytics tool, called polimaps, that is part of a real-world predictive policing project and implements elements of the proposed process.

Details: S.L., 2018. 5p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 27, 2019 at: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/3f83/419a51d6a742b0860f6045f8b0b2bcba2d8d.pdf?_ga=2.79246674.775410926.1561645908-462006081.1559056280

Year: 2018

Country: International

URL: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/polimaps%3A-Supporting-Predictive-Policing-with-Stoffel-Post/3f83419a51d6a742b0860f6045f8b0b2bcba2d8d

Shelf Number: 156579

Crime Mapping
Crime Prevention
Law Enforcement
Predictive Policing
Visual Analytics