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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:08 pm

Results for war on drugs (honduras) (u.s.)

1 results found

Author: Bird, Annie

Title: Collateral Damage of a Drug War: The May 11 Killings in Ahuas and the Impact of the U.S. War on Drugs in La Moskitia, Honduras

Summary: In the early morning hours of May 11, 2012, residents of the peaceful indigenous community of Ahuas in northeastern Honduras awoke to the sound of low flying helicopters circling above the nearby Patuca River. Shortly afterwards, bursts of automatic gunfire were heard. Later that morning the Honduran National Police announced that they had killed two drug traffickers in the course of a counternarcotics operation that had recovered hundreds of kilos of cocaine. However, it soon emerged that local residents of Ahuas had a very different story to tell. Four innocent boat passengers, they said, had been killed by security agents: two women, one 14-year-old boy and one 21-year-old man. Four other passengers had been injured by gunfire, three of them critically. Men speaking English and identified as U.S. nationals were among the security agents who descended from the helicopters and attacked and threatened members of the community. In late July of 2012, analysts from Rights Action and the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) visited the Honduran capital and the region where the incident took place – the Department of Gracias a Dios – in order to collect detailed information connected to this incident from surviving victims and other eyewitnesses, Honduran state and local officials and U.S. officials. This report summarizes and analyzes the extensive testimony and other information obtained during the visit. It presents detailed narratives of the sequence of events on May 11 and provides detailed background profiles on the boat passengers who were fired upon as well as on key witnesses. It also describes the region and context in which the shooting incident occurred, in order to better understand its impact on the local community. Finally, it offers a series of key findings and formulates recommendations of next steps to be taken in order to ensure that justice is achieved in this case and that measures are taken – both by Honduran and U.S. policymakers – to avoid the recurrence of future tragic incidents of this nature.

Details: Washington, DC: Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) in collaboration with Rights Action, 2012. 59p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 28, 2012 at http://www.cepr.net/documents/publications/honduras-2012-08.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: International

URL: http://www.cepr.net/documents/publications/honduras-2012-08.pdf

Shelf Number: 126129

Counternarcotics (Honduras) (U.S.)
Drug Trafficking (Honduras) (U.S.)
War on Drugs (Honduras) (U.S.)