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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:12 pm

Results for warlordism

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Author: Dukhan, Nathalia

Title: Splintered Warfare II: How Foreign Interference is Fueling Kleptocracy, Warlordism, and an Escalating Violent Crisis in the Central African Republic

Summary: Five years after war broke out in the Central African Republic (CAR), the conflict has no end in sight. The country has become ungovernable over time and is sinking into a structural crisis. Despite being branded a low-intensity conflict, it is brutal and bloody. Entire communities are regularly targeted in carefully orchestrated military operations. Politico-military groups and various armed factions that effectively rule the country are held responsible for the chaos. Since 2014, the proliferation of these armed groups across the country has confirmed how deeply rooted politico-criminal entrepreneurship has become. In fact, it is now a booming business sector. In rural areas, these groups are the main source of employment for disillusioned youths. They also offer outlets for violent mercenaries from neighboring countries, especially Chad and Sudan. The proliferation of these groups, along with the transnational trafficking of weapons and natural resources, presents high stakes for the entire Central African region.

Details: Washington, DC: George Washington University, 2018. 23p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed December 17, 2018 at: https://enoughproject.org/reports/splintered-warfare-ii-central-african-republic

Year: 2018

Country: Central African Republic

URL: https://enoughproject.org/wp-content/uploads/SplinteredWarfare2_Enough_Nov2018-web.pdf

Shelf Number: 153870

Armed Groups
Central African Republic
Civil War
Combating Extremism
Peacekeeping Mission
Politico-Military Group
Rule of Law
Transnational Trafficking
Violent Mercenaries