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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:59 am

Results for wastewater

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Author: Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission

Title: Illicit Drug Data Report 2015-16

Summary: ur Illicit Drug Data Report (IDDR) informs Australia's understanding of the illicit drug threat. It focuses collective efforts by bringing together data from a wide range of sources into the one unique report. In 2015-16, police agencies made a record 115,421 national illicit drug seizures, weighing a total of 21 tonnes, with a record 154,538 national illicit drug arrests. This year, the Illicit Drug Data Report 2015-16 shows the international mail stream continues to account for the greatest proportion of the number of illicit drug detections at the Australian border. However, the importation stream accounting for the greatest proportion of the weight continues to vary across drug types and reporting periods. For the first time, the IDDR includes data from the National Wastewater Drug Monitoring Program, gathered through the chemical analysis of sewerage water. The findings from this Program will provide law enforcement, policy, regulatory and health agencies with additional and more objective data in relation to the usage of methylamphetamine and other drugs.

Details: Canberra: ACIC, 2017. 224p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed September 20, 2017 at: https://acic.govcms.gov.au/sites/g/files/net1491/f/2017/06/illicit_drug_data_report_2015-16_full_report.pdf?v=1498019727

Year: 2017

Country: Australia

URL: https://acic.govcms.gov.au/sites/g/files/net1491/f/2017/06/illicit_drug_data_report_2015-16_full_report.pdf?v=1498019727

Shelf Number: 147418

Drug Enforcement
Drug Monitoring
Drug Trends
Drugs and Crime
Illegal Drugs