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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

Time: 1:17 am

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Author: Weedmaps

Title: Cannabis Concentrates: Overview and Policy Recommendations

Summary: Issue: As state and local governments seek to regulate the cannabis industry, several common misconceptions have led to policy makers either banning or placing undue restrictions on the means and methods of making cannabis concentrates and extracts. Policy Recommendations: Allow for cannabis processing utilizing long-existing safety standards from other industries: With proper health and safety standards, techniques used to process cannabis concentrates are fundamentally safe. Volatile solvent techniques have been utilized to make household items like perfume, vanilla extract, and decaffeinated coffee for generations. Allow the sale of cannabis concentrates to reduce size of illegal markets: Failure to permit and allow for cannabis processing, including with the use volatile solvents, will drive a massive underground market. Demand for cannabis concentrates is very high and will continue to grow. Limits in regulated cannabis concentrate supply can cause legal prices to skyrocket while illegal markets can find alternative sources more fluidly. A wide variety of products and processing methods should be allowed: Many cannabis products and processing methods exist in the cannabis market today. With the growth of the cannabis industry, there have been many advances in product processing techniques. Allowing for innovative products and processing techniques to enter the market not only promotes the responsible growth of the cannabis industry but also is helpful with the development of safer and more consistently dosed products. Laws and regulations should be reasonably tailored and flexible: The legal cannabis market is still in its early stages of development and continues to evolve rapidly. Particularly in cannabis processing, where new products and technology are emerging. Accordingly, policy should allow new technologies to enter and enable regulators to adjust density and operation of cannabis businesses to quickly respond to spikes in illegal market usage

Details: Irvine, California: 2017. 16p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 14, 2019 at: https://wmpolicy.com/white-papers/

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: https://wmpolicy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/11Cannabis-Concentrates.pdf

Shelf Number: 154163

Cannabis Businesses
Cannabis Concentrates
Cannabis Markets
Cannabis Processing
Marijuana Legalization
White Paper

Author: Weedmaps

Title: Minimizing the Illegal Market for Marijuana

Summary: Adult-use and medical cannabis legalization in the United States has served to reduce the size of illegal markets in legalized jurisdictions. However, despite these reductions, a very sizeable illegal market for cannabis continues to thrive in every legalized jurisdiction and undermines the benefits which legalized cannabis offers. Illegal markets for cannabis rob state and local government of tax dollars while continuing to drive up policing and incarceration costs as unregulated market participants amass large volumes of unbanked revenue. Additionally, there is ample evidence in cities throughout North America that when illegal markets exceed low levels, policing efforts consistently fail to remedy the situation (see, e.g. San Jose, Santa Ana, Detroit, Toronto). The primary driver of cannabis illegal markets is the combination of: (i) policies which overly restrict the availability and ease of purchasing cannabis through legal channels, (ii) high effective tax rates and compliance costs on legal cannabis and (iii) insufficient quantity and quality of legal cannabis for sale in a market. As elected officials, regulators and voters move towards more defined legalization on a state and local level, it is critical that cannabis policy reforms be designed with a goal of reducing illegal markets.

Details: Irvine, California: 2017. 12p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 14, 2019 at: https://wmpolicy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Minimizing-the-Illegal-Marijuana-Market-Ext-Dist-10-15-18.pdf

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: https://wmpolicy.com/white-papers/

Shelf Number: 154166

Illegal Markets
Illicit Drug Markets
Illicit Markets
Marijuana Legalization
Medical Marijuana
Policy Reform
Tax Revenue
White Paper