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Results for white-collar offenders

2 results found

Author: Stadler, William Andrew

Title: Empirical Examination of the “Special Sensitivity” to Imprisonment Hypothesis

Summary: Quantitative research concerning white-collar offenders has received little attention in recent years. Research that has been conducted has primarily focused on the social and behavioral characteristics of these individuals, as well as the etiology of white-collar offending. In this regard, comparisons have been drawn between conventional street offenders and those convicted or sentenced for white-collar offenses with respect to demographic, social, and criminal history information. However, virtually no research has investigated the attributes and experiences of white-collar inmate within the prison environment. Moreover, there have been few attempts to draw comparisons among samples of imprisoned white-collar offenders and their street offender counterparts. While informative, studies that have examined incarcerated white-collar offenders have largely been guided by a qualitative research methodology that does little to inform the predictive validity of white-collar offender characteristics with respect to their subsequent prison experiences. As a result, the hypothesis that white-collar offenders are particularly sensitive to prison environments, because they are thought to be from backgrounds of privilege and hold higher rank on the social status spectrum, has remained untested. Because of this lack of research, the view that white-collar offenders experience more frequent and significant prison adjustment problems in the form of physical and mental health harms, social isolation, victimization, and institutional misconducts largely remains unchallenged. However, more rigorous investigation of the experiences of incarcerated white-collar offenders could have far-reaching implications with respect to how the justice system wishes to sanction white-collar offenders, how correctional facilities might go about addressing the needs of this special inmate population, and how the prison experience might impact the lives of white-collar offenders, both in prison and upon their release from incarceration. In an attempt to investigate these issues and address the special sensitivity hypothesis, the current study utilizes a male sample of incarcerated federal corrections inmates to explore differences between white-collar and street offenders. Specifically, demographic and social characteristics, as well as those involving attitudes, motivations, self-control, and personality attributes are examined among a male-only sample of prisoners incarcerated for white-collar offenses and non-white-collar offenses. Moreover, the current study examines the hypothesis that white-collar offenders are somehow more sensitive to the pains of imprisonment than offenders of the non-white-collar variety. The subsequent prison experiences of these offenders is examined and measured through a variety of prison adjustment measures during the course of their prison stay. Finally, implications of the findings are discussed with respect to how the justice and correctional systems may be affected by, and how they choose to respond to, white-collar offending populations with different management, supervision, and treatment strategies.

Details: Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati, School of Criminal Justice, 2010. 216p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed March 14, 2011 at: http://etd.ohiolink.edu/view.cgi?acc_num=ucin1281991890

Year: 2010

Country: United States

URL: http://etd.ohiolink.edu/view.cgi?acc_num=ucin1281991890

Shelf Number: 121000

White-Collar Crime
White-Collar Offenders

Author: Harbinson, Erin

Title: Is Corrections "Collar" Blind?: Examining the Predictive Validity of a Risk/Needs Assessment Tool on White-Collar Offenders

Summary: Risk/needs assessment tools are essential to implementing supervision and interventions that reduce recidivism in correctional populations (Bonta, 2002). A substantial amount of research exists supporting the use of risk, need, and responsivity principles to reduce recidivism among correctional populations (Smith et al., 2009). However research thus far has not examined whether or how these principles or risk/needs assessment generalize to white-collar offenders (Gendreau et al., 1996). The primary goal of this dissertation is to validate a risk/needs assessment instrument, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AOUSC)'s Post Conviction Risk Assessment (PCRA), on a sample of white-collar offenders. To accomplish this goal, a sample of 31,306 white-collar offenders who started supervision under the AOUSC between October 2006 and October 2014 were used to examine the validity of the PCRA in predicting revocation. Results from binary logistic regression identified that PCRA risk levels create statistically significant groups that are associated with a white-collar offender's likelihood of being revoked while on supervision. Results from analyzing the predictive validity of the overall PCRA risk score with revocation supported the use of the PCRA as a strong predictor, showing that white-collar offenders are more likely to be revoked as their scores on the PCRA increase. Additionally, binary logistic regression identified both similarities and differences in significant items from the PCRA for white-collar offenders compared to other types of offenders, suggesting that there may be some unique aspects of risk for white-collar offenders. However, when white-collar offender specific scoring was generated for the PCRA, there were no significant improvements in prediction of revocation within the sample. The results of this study demonstrate that white-collar offenders share similar criminogenic needs to "street" offenders, but sometimes they manifest differently. The study concludes by discussing the overall contributions of this research to the fields of corrections and white-collar crime, and suggests future areas of research.

Details: Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati, 2017. 164p.

Source: Internet Resource: Dissertation: Accessed April 30, 2018 at: https://etd.ohiolink.edu/pg_10?0::NO:10:P10_ETD_SUBID:153797#abstract-files

Year: 2017

Country: United States

URL: https://etd.ohiolink.edu/pg_10?0::NO:10:P10_ETD_SUBID:153797#abstract-files

Shelf Number: 149965

Offender Rehabilitation
Offender Risk Assessment
Offender Supervision
White Collar Crime
White-Collar Offenders