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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:04 pm

Results for wildlife crime (jakarta)

1 results found

Author: Stengel, Carrie J.

Title: The Trade in Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles in Jakarta Revisited

Summary: In recent years, the Indonesian capital of Jakarta has become a focal point for the pet trade in tortoises and freshwater turtles. Alarmingly, observed trends indicate much of this trade is illegal and includes a growing number of threatened species. Regular monitoring of wildlife markets is essential to keep abreast of current trade dynamics and aid enforcement efforts at strategic points along the trade chain. In line with recommendations made in earlier studies on the trade in tortoises and freshwater turtles, TRAFFIC made follow-up observations of freshwater turtles and tortoises for sale in Jakarta’s major markets in 2010. Direct observations were undertaken to determine the current extent of trade, trends, species composition and, through analysis of the collected data, attempt to obtain proxy measures of current enforcement effort to combat illegal trade.

Details: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, TRAFFIC Southeast Asia, 2011. 24p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 22, 2011 at: http://www.traffic.org/home/2011/8/17/jakartas-illegal-trade-in-threatened-tortoises-and-turtles-p.html

Year: 2011

Country: Indonesia

URL: http://www.traffic.org/home/2011/8/17/jakartas-illegal-trade-in-threatened-tortoises-and-turtles-p.html

Shelf Number: 122450

Illegal Trade
Turtles and Tortoises
Wildlife Crime (Jakarta)