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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:39 am

Results for wildlife crimes (yemen)

1 results found

Author: Martin, Esmond Bradley

Title: On a Knife's Edge: The Rinoceros Horn Trade in Yemen

Summary: While Asia's rhinoceroses have been poached predominantly for their horn to be made into medicines in eastern Asia, the horn of Africa's rhinoceroses has been in demand for both medicines and production of traditional dagger handles in the Middle East, especially Yemen. Dagger-like knives have been part of a man's traditional dress in Yemen for centuries. Known as jamibyas, these daggers are worn daily by many Yemeni men and serve as an important status symbol. The quality of the blade, sheath, belt and handle decorations are all important, but the most prestigious element of a jambiya is a good rhinoceros horn handle. This report examines the continuing use of rhinoceros horn in the production of the jambiya in Yemen. The report documents the results of TRAFFIC and WWF fieldwork data collected on the trade in rhinoceros horn in Yemen from 1978-1996. It focuses on the centuries-old trade in horn of Black Rhinoceros Diceros bicornis and White Rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum from Africa to Sanaa, Yemen's capital. Today, there are only an estimated 2,400 Black Rhinoceros and 7,562 White Rhinoceros left in the wild in Africa, compared to approximately 70,000 in total in 1970. Snared, speared, shot with poisoned arrows and bullets for their horn, rhinoceros numbers in most populations have plummeted dramatically. The demand and trade in horn for jambiyas has been a major contributory factor to this decline, and continues to threaten Africa's rhinoceros populations.

Details: Cambridge, UK: TRAFFIC Network, 1997. 45p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed march 27, 2013 at: http://www.rhinoresourcecenter.com/index.php?s=e8195581c2de3d4dd827b63357480761&act=refs&CODE=ref_detail&id=1165240008

Year: 1997

Country: Yemen

URL: http://www.rhinoresourcecenter.com/index.php?s=e8195581c2de3d4dd827b63357480761&act=refs&CODE=ref_detail&id=1165240008

Shelf Number: 128145

Animal Poaching
Illegal Wildlife Trade
Wildlife Crimes (Yemen)