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Date: July 17, 2024 Wed

Time: 9:09 pm

Results for witchcraft (negal)

1 results found

Author: Informal Sector Service Centre

Title: A Study on Violence due to Witchcraft Allegation and Sexual Violence

Summary: Nepal, as a member state of the United Nation, has ratified various International human rights treaties and convention related to the rights of women which explicitly shows Nepal’s commitment towards protecting and promoting the rights of women. However, the situation of women doesn’t seem satisfactory. More than 50 per cent of Nepal’s population is women but their status is still very poor. They have a lower status than men in each aspect of the Human Development Index. Illiteracy, patriarchal society and the economic dependency of women on man create grounds for male domination over woman. Accusations of the so-called practice of witchcraft, rape and incidents of sexual violence are some of the examples of violence against women which occur in Nepalese society. Women are able to gain 33% seats in the Constituent Assembly, but their voices are still suppressed and issues of women have not been sufficiently raised in the Constituent Assembly. The lack of effective laws, the poor implementation of existing laws and the unaccountability of the government authorities also contributed to the occurrence of violence against women. However, the pro-active role of the court and progressive decisions in some cases concerning women rights present a cause for hope. Still, so many improvements are required to prevent violence against women. In the year 2011, it was recorded that many women and girls were abused after being blamed of practicing witchcraft. Similarly, many more were made victims of rape and sexual abuse. The incidents of rape, sexual violence and accusations of the practice of witchcraft can be reduced by the combined efforts of multiple stakeholders. The role of civil society and human rights organizations remain crucial in this regard. A Study on Violence due to Witchcraft Allegation and Sexual Violence; 3 INSEC has presented the overall description and details of incidents of rape and sexual violence, and accusations of the practice of witchcraft practices in this report in the context of 102nd International Women's Day which I felt could be important means by which to assess the situation of women in Nepal and the respective authorities in addressing these problems in society.

Details: Kathmandu, Nepal: INSEC, 2012. 32p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed August 11, 2012 at: http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/INSEC_AStudyOnViolenceDueToWitchcraftAllegationAndSexualViolence.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Nepal

URL: http://www.humansecuritygateway.com/documents/INSEC_AStudyOnViolenceDueToWitchcraftAllegationAndSexualViolence.pdf

Shelf Number: 125983

Sexual Assault
Sexual Violence
Violence Against Women
Witchcraft (Negal)