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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:55 am

Results for witnesses (northern ireland)

1 results found

Author: Northern Ireland. Criminal Justice Inspection

Title: The Use of Special Measures in the Criminal Justice System in Northern Ireland

Summary: It is widely accepted that many people who are victims of, or witnesses to crimes, find the criminal justice process stressful. Certain classes of witnesses have particular needs by reasons of age, personal circumstances or fear of intimidation. These witnesses may need help to overcome the many anxieties of the criminal justice process and trial. In an acknowledgement of the needs of vulnerable and intimidated witnesses (VIWs) ‘special measures’ were introduced to assist certain categories of witnesses to give their best evidence in court with as little stress as possible. They include the screening of witnesses in court, the use of closed circuit television, the removal of wigs and gowns, and video evidence. The use of special measures is particularly important in cases involving children and sexual offences. The Department of Justice (DoJ) has been reviewing the effectiveness of the statutory special measures to assist vulnerable and intimidated witnesses and invited Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland (CJI) to undertake a formal inspection into the area as part of the review process. The aim of the inspection was to examine the use of special measures and its effectiveness in achieving best outcomes for witnesses. The findings and recommendations of Inspectors broadly underpin and reinforce the work of the DepartmentalWorking Group in this area. The inspection found that special measures are of vital importance in helping vulnerable and intimidated witnesses give their best evidence. Inspectors heard positive feedback from victims and witnesses about the assistance they received and the impact it had on preparing them for giving evidence in court. Witnesses were found to give better evidence when they had a choice about the ways in which it was given. The support to victims and witnesses was regarded as invaluable.

Details: Belfast: Criminal Justice Inspection Northern Ireland, 2012. 79p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed April 27, 2012 at: http://www.cjini.org/CJNI/files/e6/e684b2e9-231e-4c06-b496-5b744e10c0cb.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: United Kingdom

URL: http://www.cjini.org/CJNI/files/e6/e684b2e9-231e-4c06-b496-5b744e10c0cb.pdf

Shelf Number: 125076

Victims of Crimes
Witness Intimidation
Witnesses (Northern Ireland)