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Date: September 27, 2024 Fri

Time: 8:59 am

Results for working conditions, police

1 results found

Author: Jakubauskas, Michelle

Title: Police at Work: The Wave Five Report

Summary: The Police at Work survey is a companion study to a larger longitudinal study focussing on the working experiences of Australians employed or looking for work in March 2006. The research took place in five waves from 2007 to 2011 and involved telephone interviews with police association members in the Northern Territory (NT), New South Wales (NSW), Victoria and the Australian Federal Police (AFP). The original sample of 947 police officers was recruited from the membership databases of the four participating police associations. As such, all of the participants in the Police at Work sample were union members at the time of joining the study. A total of 693 sworn police officers remained in the study in wave 5. This is an extremely high retention rate and it enabled us to gather five years of data for this large group of police officers. The Police at Work study has increased current understanding on the working lives of police officers. In particular, it has put numbers around some of the serious hazards and risks associated with police work, in particular those around workplace health and safety and burnout.

Details: Sydney: Workplace Research Centre at the University of Sydney, 2012. 66p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed January 17, 2013 at: http://pfa.org.au/files/uploads/Police_at_Work_Wave_5_FINAL_Nov_2012_0.pdf

Year: 2012

Country: Australia

URL: http://pfa.org.au/files/uploads/Police_at_Work_Wave_5_FINAL_Nov_2012_0.pdf

Shelf Number: 127283

Police Officers
Policing (Australia)
Working Conditions, Police