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Date: October 20, 2024 Sun

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Results for yakuza

1 results found

Author: L'Aurora, Marika

Title: "1992-2012: Laws' implementation on one side and changes on yakuza's organizations on the other." -What has been going on?-

Summary: In the postwar period, developments and changes, among the others, occurred also within yakuza organizations. On both levels, local and international, different reasons lead to the decision of taking action against the organized crime. Due to local factors, mostly a deeper involvement of the citizens in gang related activities, implying more danger in the daily life; and due to international factors, mainly the union of the 'democratized countries' against the fight of organized crime, with particular reference to drug related offences, Japan moved for the first time in a serious way against yakuza. In 1992 The Botaiho, or 'Anti-bôryokudan law', law No. 77 was implemented. Together with the anti- boryokudan law, through the years, other laws have been improved, or enacted, with the purpose of controlling, or confining yakuza activities out of the Japanese society. The most recent is the introduction of prefectural ordinances: these, carrying the same purpose of isolating boryokudan - in "boryokudan members" through the ban of their commercial relations with the societies' members. Looking at yakuza activities and developments during the twenty years between the first anti-boryokudan law enforcement (1992) and the recent enactment of the prefectural ordinances (2012), did the laws do what they were supposed to? Have the goals that the laws were aimed at been realized?

Details: Leiden: Leiden University, Asian Studies, 2015. 80p.

Source: Internet Resource: Thesis: Accessed October 12, 2016 at: https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/36069/MA%20Thesis_%20L%27Aurora%20Marika.pdf?sequence=2

Year: 2015

Country: Japan

URL: https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/36069/MA%20Thesis_%20L%27Aurora%20Marika.pdf?sequence=2

Shelf Number: 140664

Organized Crime