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Results for youth gangs (russia)

2 results found

Author: Salagaev, Alexander L.

Title: Russian Youth Gangs

Summary: It is almost impossible to say exactly when first youth gangs appeared in Russia. Difficulty in tracing back phenomenon of youth delinquency is connected to the fact that 20th century was one of the most difficult periods for the country. Organized youth gangs, being mostly the part of city culture, were not very evident in cities and towns of Tsarist Russia until industrialization process started in late 19th century. Nevertheless, massive appearance of youth gangs coincided with World Wat I and Russian Revolution of 1917, which was followed by widespread poverty, disorganization, violence. During the period 1917-1922 many youth gangs appeared in Russian cities which in fact were the first real example of union between adult criminals and so-called ‘besprizorniki’ (homeless and unattended children-youngsters) youth. Researchers of ‘besprizorniki’ gangs state, that during First World War and Civil War in Russia (1914-1920) new criminal youth subculture was formed. Youth gangs of that time had many characteristics of modern ones: structure, rules, special slang, traditions/folklore, etc. ‘Besprizorniki’ gang members, after growing up would participate in adult criminal groups and inveigle children into criminal activities, therefore giving way to reproduction of criminal youth subculture (Rudov 2002; Gizatullin 2008). In 1920-1940s Soviet authorities were partly able to counteract the problem of organized youth delinquency, though during World War II and the following years number of youngsters, engaged in organized criminal activities, once again increased rapidly. General stabilization of socio-economic situation in the USSR during 1950-1970 as well as efficient work of law-enforcement agencies diminished the scope of the problem so radically that Soviet officials even started to claim that organized delinquency was no longer a part of socialist society but could be witnessed solely in Capitalist West (Salagaev 2001). Things changed in late 1970s, when youth gangs started to appear in Russia once again. It should be noticed that most Russian researchers start contemporary youth gangs history from that very point since criminal youth groups which appeared in late 1970s are ‘forefathers’ of contemporary Russian youth gangs. Youth group violence, which came to existence in late 1970s evolved in the following years to become wide-spread phenomenon of organized youth delinquency of contemporary Russia.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, 2009(?). 15p.

Source: Internet Resource: Draft version: Accessed June 22, 2013 at: http://graduateinstitute.ch/webdav/site/ccdp/shared/5039/Salagaev-Safin-Russian-Youth-Gangs.pdf

Year: 2009

Country: Russia

URL: http://graduateinstitute.ch/webdav/site/ccdp/shared/5039/Salagaev-Safin-Russian-Youth-Gangs.pdf

Shelf Number: 129127

Juvenile Delinquency
Youth Gangs (Russia)

Author: Salagaev, Alexander

Title: After-Effects of the Transition: Youth Criminal Careers in Russia

Summary: The process of transition in Russia is characterized by contradictory values of different social groups. From one side the values of democracy and market economy are popularized, especially among youth, but from another, a lot of young people have been choosing alternative ‘criminal careers’. The proposed paper focuses on criminal life trajectories of young people, discusses norms, values, power resources, and behavioural patterns of members of juvenile delinquent gangs in the Volga area of Russia. The main conclusions drawn in the article are based on multi-method research study that includes 53 qualitative in-depth interviews with active gang members, expert interviews, and analysis of two criminal cases on gangs in Kazan city.

Details: Geneva, SWIT: Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, (2003?). 13p.

Source: Internet Resource: Accessed June 22, 2013 at: http://graduateinstitute.ch/webdav/site/ccdp/shared/5039/Salagaev-Criminal-Careers.pdf

Year: 2003

Country: Russia

URL: http://graduateinstitute.ch/webdav/site/ccdp/shared/5039/Salagaev-Criminal-Careers.pdf

Shelf Number: 129129

Criminal Careers
Juvenile Delinquency
Youth Gangs (Russia)