Title: 16 - CORPORATIONS AND ASSOCIATIONS, RELIGIOUS Chapters: Chapter: 1 Incorporation of religious societies or congregations.Chapter: 2 IncorporationChapter: 3 Incorporation; meeting forChapter: 4 IncorporationChapter: 5 IncorporationChapter: 6 Extinct Free Methodist churches or societies; disposition of propertyChapter: 7 Division of property on division or separation in unincorporated Society of FriendsChapter: 8 Certain provisions of title extended to German Reformed churchesChapter: 10A The United Methodist Church; power to assume and use name; existing rights, powers, etc., not affectedChapter: 11 Incorporation; election of trustees; tenureChapter: 12 Incorporation; meetingChapter: 13 IncorporationChapter: 14 Reformed Episcopal Church; incorporation and powersChapter: 15 IncorporationChapter: 15A "Russian Church in America" and "Russian Orthodox Church" definedChapter: 16 IncorporationChapter: 17 Corporation continued; trustees; election; term of office; corporate officers members of boardChapter: 19 General law applicableChapter: 20