Title: 24 - FOOD AND DRUGS Chapters: Chapter: 1 Chapter: 2 Enforcement by state departments; rules and regulationsChapter: 3 Right of entry; opening packages; inspectionChapter: 4 Confiscation; summary proceedingChapter: 4A Chapter: 5 Sale, distribution or manufacture of adulterated or misbranded articlesChapter: 5A Chapter: 6 Establishment of standardsChapter: 6A New drugs; introduction into interstate commerce; application; effective date of application; refusal of application; application of chapterChapter: 6B Registration statement; filing with department.Chapter: 6D Chapter: 6E Chapter: 6F Prescribing, administering or dispensing amygdalin (laetrile); immunity of physician; written informed request; formChapter: 6G Control or possession without written permit; prohibition; exceptionsChapter: 6H Distribution of ephedrine alkaloids to minor, disorderly person; exceptions.Chapter: 6I Chapter: 6j Chapter: 6k Chapter: 6M Findings, declarations relative to drug donation.Chapter: 8 "Caustic acids" and "caustic alkalies" enumeratedChapter: 9 Chapter: 10 Chapter: 10A Straws, tubes and other devices for drinkingChapter: 11 License; expirationChapter: 11A Chapter: 12 "Nonalcoholic drink" definedChapter: 14A Use on toys, furniture or accessible surfaces of dwelling; prohibitionChapter: 15 Chapter: 15A Equipment of lead, cadmium, or metallic substance; formation of dangerous compounds; unwholesome, dangerous or detrimentalChapter: 16B Chapter: 17 PenaltiesChapter: 21