Title: 2B - COURT ORGANIZATION AND CIVIL CODE Chapters: Chapter: 1 Seals Chapter: 2 Number of judges.Chapter: 2A Chapter: 3 Appointment of court clerks Chapter: 4 Special counsel Chapter: 5 Secretarial and legal staff of justices and judges Chapter: 6 Courtrooms and equipment security Chapter: 7 Reporting of court proceedings; court reporters Chapter: 8 Interpreters Chapter: 9 Effect of abolition of particular courts Chapter: 10 Chapter: 10A Findings, declarations relative to probation officersChapter: 11 Chapter: 12 Establishment of municipal courts.Chapter: 13 Establishment Chapter: 14 Election of surrogatesChapter: 19 Chapter: 20 Qualifications of jurorsChapter: 21 Number of grand juries Chapter: 22 Impaneling State grand jury Chapter: 23 Number of jurors Chapter: 24 Findings, declarations relative to municipal public defendersChapter: 25 Findings, declarations relative to municipal prosecutors.Chapter: 50 Action for replevin