Title: 32 - INTERSTATE AND PORT AUTHORITIES AND COMMISSIONS Chapters: Chapter: 1 Chapter: 2 Terms definedChapter: 3 Preamble; agreementChapter: 3A Payment of salary or wages of employees injured in performance of dutyChapter: 4 Delaware River Port Authority police officers Chapter: 4A Vehicles exempt from toll chargesChapter: 5 Construction of subway and rail system connecting with bridgeChapter: 5A Commission directed to promote increased commerce on Delaware riverChapter: 6 Payment into general treasury fund of moneys received from Delaware River Joint CommissionChapter: 7 Original issue of 1920Chapter: 8 Preamble; agreementChapter: 9 Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission, New Jersey membership; appointment, terms Chapter: 9A Property no longer needed for joint State-owned bridges across Delaware riverChapter: 10 Appointment of bridge police; oathChapter: 10A ExemptionsChapter: 11 Construction and maintenance of free bridges by "joint commission"Chapter: 11AA Compact authorized; preambleChapter: 11B State Highway Commissioner authorized to accept title to lands for terminus and approach to crossingChapter: 11C Easements, streets, roads or highways; use or taking of property of municipality by condemnationChapter: 11D Chapter: 11E Delaware-New Jersey CompactChapter: 12 Joint construction of bridge or tunnelChapter: 13 Preliminary surveys and estimates; appropriationChapter: 13A Chapter: 14 Findings, declarations relative to Palisades Interstate Park CommissionChapter: 15 Authority conferred upon park commissionChapter: 16 Parkway authorized; location; aid from federal government; acquisition of lands by gift, purchase or condemnationChapter: 17 Commissioners authorized to enter into compactChapter: 18 Appointment of commissioners; preambleChapter: 19 Appointment of commissioners to Interstate Environmental Commission.Chapter: 19A Additional authority of commission.Chapter: 20 Interstate compact; preambleChapter: 20A Chapter: 20B Chapter: 21 Governor authorized to execute Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Compact; form Chapter: 22 Metropolitan Rapid Transit Commission created; functionsChapter: 22B Tri-State Transportation CompactChapter: 23 CompactChapter: 24 Forest fire protection compact Chapter: 25 Chapter: 26 Findings and purposesChapter: 27 Chapter: 30 CompactChapter: 31 Chapter: 32 Findings, determinations Chapter: 33 Findings and declaration of policy Chapter: 35