Title: 38A - MILITARY AND VETERANS LAW Chapters: Chapter: 1 Chapter: 2 Governor to be commander-in-chiefChapter: 3 Principal department Chapter: 4 Eligibility, qualifications and administrationChapter: 5 Nominating, appointing and commissioning of officersChapter: 6 Terms of enlistmentChapter: 7 Organizations and unitsChapter: 8 Organization and compositionChapter: 9 Organization and compositionChapter: 10 Persons subjectChapter: 11 Funds of disbanded organizationsChapter: 12 Armories Chapter: 13 Medical care and compensation Chapter: 14 Right of way while performing military dutyChapter: 15 Faithful service medalsChapter: 16 Use without this StateChapter: 17 Agreements with Governors of bordering States for protection of communication facilitiesChapter: 18 "Emergency" definedChapter: 19 Statutes repealedChapter: 20 Statutes saved from repeal; compiled