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New Jersey Statutes, Title: 18A, EDUCATION

    Chapter 13: Application of chapter; government of regional districts

      Section: 18A:13-12: Election of officers.

          18A:13-12. The board shall hold a regular meeting forthwith after its first appointment, and annually thereafter on any day between May 1 and May 7, inclusive, following the annual school election in April, at which it shall organize by the election, from among its members, of a president and vice president, who shall serve until the organization meeting next succeeding the election of their respective successors as members of the board. In the case of a regional district in which the annual school election is in November, the organization meeting shall be held on any day of the first week in January. If any board shall fail to organize within the designated period, the executive county superintendent of the county, or the executive county superintendents of the counties, in which the constituent districts are situate, shall appoint, from among the members of the board, a president and vice president to serve until the organization meeting next succeeding the next election.

amended 1974, c.105, s.2; 1979, c.23, s.9; 1982, c.17, s.1; 1987, c.289, s.6; 2011, c.202, s.10; 2023, c.289, s.4.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2024-06-14 13:52:53.

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