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    Chapter 27d: Establishment

      Section: 52:27d-321.1: Allocation of low-income tax credits.

          19. Notwithstanding any rules of the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency to the contrary, the allocation of low-income tax credits shall be made by the agency to the full extent such credits are permitted to be allocated under federal law, including allocations of four percent or nine percent federal low-income tax credits and including allocations allowable for partial credits. The affordable portion of any mixed income or mixed-use development that is part of a fair share housing plan that has obtained compliance certification, including a court-approved judgment of repose or compliance, including, but not limited to, a development that has received a density bonus, shall be permitted to receive allocations of low-income tax credits, provided that the applicant can conclusively demonstrate that the market rate residential or commercial units are unable to internally subsidize the affordable units, and the affordable units are developed contemporaneously with the commercial or market rate residential units.

L.2008, c.46, s.19; amended 2024, c.2, s.28.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2024-07-30 14:52:03.

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