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New Jersey Statutes, Title: 18A, EDUCATION

    Chapter 7g:

      Section: 18A:7g-35: Validity of contractor's prequalification classification.

          61. a. A contractor's prequalification classification shall be valid for 24 months. A contractor shall be reclassified after the 24-month period in order to remain eligible to bid on school facilities projects.

b. Any material changes relevant to the prequalification process shall be reported by the contractor to the development authority in writing within 10 days. Based on the information provided, the development authority may change the classification or revoke prequalification for cause. The development authority may revoke a contractor's prequalification if the contractor fails to report material changes relevant to the prequalification process within 10 days.

L.2000, c.72, s.61; amended 2007, c.137, s.40; 2023, c.311, s.16.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2024-06-14 13:52:24.

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