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New Jersey Statutes, Title: 18A, EDUCATION
Chapter 35: 2-year course of study in history
Section: 18A:35-28: Instruction on Holocaust, genocides required in elementary, secondary school curriculum
2. a. Every board of education shall include instruction on the Holocaust and genocides in an appropriate place in the curriculum of all elementary and secondary school pupils.
b. The instruction shall enable pupils to identify and analyze applicable theories concerning human nature and behavior; to understand that genocide is a consequence of prejudice and discrimination; and to understand that issues of moral dilemma and conscience have a profound impact on life. The instruction shall further emphasize the personal responsibility that each citizen bears to fight racism and hatred whenever and wherever it happens.
This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2013-06-10 16:36:30.
Older versions of 18a:35-28 (if available):
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