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    Chapter 5: Manufacture or sale of gold articles with false quality marks

      Section: 51:5-5: Manufacture or sale of gold plated articles without indicating they are plated

           No person shall make for sale, sell, or offer to sell or dispose of or have in his possession with intent to sell or dispose of, any article of merchandise made in whole or in part of inferior metal, having deposited or plated thereon or brazed or otherwise affixed thereto a plate, plating, covering or sheet of gold, or of any alloy of gold, which article is known in the market as "rolled gold plate" , "gold plate" , "gold filled" , "gold electroplate" , or by any similar designation, and upon which article or upon any tag, card or label attached thereto, or upon any box, package, cover or wrapper in which such article is incased or inclosed, shall be stamped, printed, branded or engraved any word or mark usually employed to indicate the fineness of gold, unless such word be accompanied by other words plainly indicating that such article, or some part thereof, is made of rolled gold plate, or gold plate, or gold electroplate, or is gold filled, as the case may be.

This section added to the Rutgers Database: 2012-09-26 13:37:55.

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