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Title: 44 - POOR

Chapter: 10 - Reference to county welfare board to mean reference to county welfare agency

44:10-1.1: Reference to county welfare board to mean reference to county welfare agency

44:10-1.2: Reference to program of assistance for dependent children to mean program of aid to families with dependent children

44:10-5.6: Payment cycles

44:10-5.7: Evaluation, implementation of system

44:10-5.8: Implementation plan, reports

44:10-5.9: Work First New Jersey program administrators, duties

44:10-9: Short title

44:10-10: Findings, declarations

44:10-11: Definitions

44:10-12: REACH program

44:10-13: Powers, duties of commissioner

44:10-14: Registration of able-bodied aid recipients

44:10-15: Individualized service plans

44:10-16: County planning committees

44:10-17: Reports

44:10-18: Independent evaluation

44:10-34: Definitions relative to welfare reform, work activity

44:10-35: Evaluation of caregiver's eligibility for benefits

44:10-36: Eligibility of parent for benefits

44:10-37: Certain income disregarded in computing benefit.

44:10-38: Provision of supportive services

44:10-39: Subsidy for campus-based child care

44:10-40: Medical assistance allowed, certain

44:10-41: Report on Work First New Jersey program

44:10-42: Establishment, updating of standard of need

44:10-43: Rules, regulations

44:10-44: Definitions relative to welfare reform, eligibility.

44:10-45: Determination of eligibility for benefits

44:10-46: Eligibility for persons with less than one year of State residence

44:10-47: Disclosure of applicant information

44:10-48: Eligibility of citizens, eligible aliens.

44:10-49: Assignment of child support rights by signing application for benefits

44:10-50: Absent child, eligibility for benefits

44:10-51: Provision of emergency assistance

44:10-51.1: Emergency assistance payments, repayments.

44:10-51.2: Rules, regulations.

44:10-52: Opportunity for hearing

44:10-53: Waiving compliance with Work First New Jersey program for certain projects

44:10-54: Rules, regulations

44:10-55: Short title

44:10-56: Findings, declarations relative to Work First New Jersey Program.

44:10-57: Definitions relative to Work First New Jersey program

44:10-58: Establishment of Work First New Jersey program

44:10-59: Primary responsibility for support; benefits eligibility

44:10-60: Requirements for benefits for individuals under 18 with a dependent child

44:10-61: Benefits not to increase due to birth of child; exceptions

44:10-62: Adult recipient to seek employment.

44:10-62.1: Short title.

44:10-62.2: Findings, declarations relative to "Public Assistance Cost Reduction and Transportation Independence Pilot Program Act."

44:10-62.3: Establishment of pilot program for transfer of ownership of surplus State motor vehicles to certain nonprofit entities.

44:10-63.1: Work First New Jersey Program, failure to cooperate, sanctions.

44:10-64: Satisfaction of sanction, repayment obligation

44:10-65: Community, alternative work experience not considered employment

44:10-66: Workers' compensation status of recipient participating in community alternative work experience

44:10-67: Injury, illness, death arising from community, alternative work experience

44:10-68: Action against program as tort claim

44:10-69: Reimbursement to tort claims fund

44:10-70: Rules, regulations

44:10-71: Definitions relative to Work First New Jersey program

44:10-72: Time limit on eligibility for benefits

44:10-73: Implementation of Work First New Jersey program by municipal or county agency, reimbursement

44:10-74: Allocation of federal funding

44:10-75: Implementation of electronic benefit distribution system.

44:10-76: Social security number used as common identifier of individuals

44:10-77: Establishment, implementation of technological investments.

44:10-78: Rules, regulations

44:10-79: Short title.

44:10-80: Definitions relative to New Jersey Supplementary Food Stamp Program.

44:10-81: New Jersey Supplementary Food Stamp Program.

44:10-81.1: Food stamp application form, ordinary, concise language required.

44:10-81.2: SNAP application process technologically upgraded.

44:10-81.3: Streamlining SNAP application for senior citizens.

44:10-81.4: Rules, regulations.

44:10-81.5: SNAP application call center established.

44:10-81.6: Maintain, conduct new outreach programs; "SNAP Navigator Program" established.

44:10-81.7: Definitions.

44:10-81.7a: Standard certification period, not less than 12 months within SNAP, conditions; definitions.

44:10-81.8: Training program established; assist in SNAP enrollment.

44:10-81.9: Case tracking data published on Internet website.

44:10-81.10: Waiver, approval application; rules, regulations.

44:10-82: Eligibility of noncitizen for program.

44:10-83: State payment of county administrative costs.

44:10-84: Noncitizen federal food stamp recipients not eligible.

44:10-85: Rules, regulations.

44:10-86: Short title

44:10-87: Findings, declarations regarding individual development accounts

44:10-88: Definitions regarding individual development accounts

44:10-89: New Jersey Individual Development Account Program

44:10-90: Opening an individual development account; conditions

44:10-91: Transfer of account on death of holder

44:10-92: Moneys in, interest on account not considered gross income

44:10-93: Regulations; consultation with Human Services

44:10-94: Report to Legislature

44:10-95: Short title.

44:10-96: Definitions relative to the "New Jersey SNAP Employment and Training Provider Demonstration Project Act."

44:10-97: New Jersey Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training Provider Demonstration Project.

44:10-97.1: New Jersey SNAP ETP participation not required to receive SNAP benefits; information provided to recipients.

44:10-98: Proposals to participate in demonstration project.

44:10-99: Collaboration between partnering providers and county welfare agencies.

44:10-100: Programmatic functions required by partnering provider.

44:10-101: County welfare agencies, department to assist partnering providers.

44:10-102: Submission of revised State Employment and Training Plan.

44:10-102.1: New Jersey Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, community colleges, allowable services, partnering provider, 50/50 Match Project; definitions.

44:10-103: Report to Governor, Legislature.

44:10-104: Certain income excluded in determining eligibility.

44:10-105: Review of available data by commissioner.

44:10-106: Report to Governor, Legislature.

44:10-106.1: SNAP applicants, beneficiaries; biennial survey on application experience, difficulties; procedure.

44:10-107: Definitions regarding mobile-friendly software and SNAP.

44:10-108: Mobile-friendly software for SNAP recipients.

44:10-109: Commissioner's application for waivers, grants.

44:10-110: Rules, regulations.

44:10-111: "State SNAP Minimum Benefit Program" established; definitions.

44:10-112: Food and Nutrition Service, permit funds available, "Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program", delivery fees.