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Chapter: 12 -
12a:12-2: Definitions relative to electronic transactions
12a:12-3: Applicability of act to electronic records, signatures; exceptions
12a:12-4: Act applies on or after June 26, 2001
12a:12-5: Electronic record, signature not required
12a:12-7: Legal effect and enforceability
12a:12-8: Use, retention, content, format of electronic records
12a:12-9: Attribution, effect of electronic records, signatures
12a:12-10: Rules applicable to changes, errors in electronic records
12a:12-11: Notarized signatures or records
12a:12-12: Retention of electronic records
12a:12-13: Admissibility of electronic records, signatures
12a:12-14: Rules applicable to automated transactions
12a:12-15: Conditions under which electronic record is sent, received
12a:12-16: Control of transferable records
12a:12-17: Governmental agency creation, retention, conversion of electronic records
12a:12-18: Use of electronic records, signatures by governmental agencies; specifications
12a:12-19: Adoption of standards for governmental agencies
12a:12-21: Use of electronic record to satisfy consumer information in writing, conditions
12a:12-22: Findings, declaration concerning "federal E-sign"
12a:12-23: Capability of electronic records retention by recipients
12a:12-24: Accessibility of records of information
12a:12-25: The New Jersey Center for Electronic Transactions and Informational Privacy, established
12a:12-26: "Statute, regulation or other rule of law" defined