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Chapter: 14K -

55:14k-1: Short title

55:14k-2: Legislative findings and declarations

55:14k-3: Definitions.

55:14k-4: New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency.

55:14k-5: Powers of agency

55:14k-5.1: New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency to provide written notice of funding

55:14k-5.2: Additional powers of New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency

55:14k-5.3: Transfer of certain reserves to State for housing needs.

55:14k-5.4: Eligible loans during states of emergency; conditions.

55:14k-5.5: Occupancy status, information access; shelter operator duties.

55:14k-5.6: Criteria for receiving funding; compliance.

55:14k-6: Financing of construction, improvement or rehabilitation of housing projects; loans; application; priorities

55:14k-7: Terms and conditions of loans

55:14k-7.1: Shower, bathtub safety rails required in certain senior rental projects.

55:14k-7.2: Powers of agency as condition of loan, grant, investment for special needs housing projects.

55:14k-7.3: Tenants forum; State-subsidized rental housing, complaints.

55:14k-8: Eligibility for admission to housing projects; termination of tenancy or interest; excessive income; surcharge; disposition.

55:14k-9: Housing sponsors; action or proceeding by agency to enforce rights; appointment of receiver; reorganizations

55:14k-10: Foreclosure action; parties defendant; entry of judgment; conditions; orders; qualification of buyers; other judgments; notices prior to sale

55:14k-11: Loans to institutional lenders

55:14k-12: Purchase and sale of eligible loans by agency

55:14k-13: Life safety improvement loans.

55:14k-14: Boarding house rental assistance fund

55:14k-15: Rental assistance agreements

55:14k-16: Boarding house rental assistance fund annual report

55:14k-17: Annual appropriations to boarding house rental assistance fund

55:14k-18: Subsidiary corporations of agency

55:14k-19: New Jersey housing development corporation

55:14k-20: Bonds of agency

55:14k-21: Resolutions of authorization for issuance of bonds; contents

55:14k-22: Default in payment of principal or interest on bonds

55:14k-23: Pledges of income, revenues or other property

55:14k-24: Allocation of state ceiling on aggregate amount of qualified mortgage bonds under I.R.C. s. 103A(g) to agency

55:14k-25: Reservation of funds for use in municipalities eligible for state aid for services and to offset property taxes

55:14k-26: Inclusion of interest on bonds in gross income for purposes of federal income tax

55:14k-27: No personal liability on bonds

55:14k-28: Purchase of bonds of agency by agency

55:14k-29: Housing finance funds

55:14k-30: Housing development fund

55:14k-30.1: Definitions; affordable housing insurance pilot program established, Affordable Housing Insurance Fund established; report to Governor, Legislature.

55:14k-31: General fund of agency

55:14k-32: Pledge, covenant and agreement of state with bondholders

55:14k-33: Bonds as legal investment

55:14k-34: Tax exemptions

55:14k-35: Exemption of property from levy and sale by execution, judicial process or charge or lien of judgment

55:14k-36: Insurance or guarantee of payment of interest or principal of loans or bonds; obtaining from federal department or agency or other person

55:14k-37: Other laws, rules or regulations concerning housing sponsors subordinate to this act; tax exemption of project; ordinance or resolution; taxes or paym

55:14k-38: Violations; penalty

55:14k-39: Conflicts of interest; violations; penalties

55:14k-40: Annual report and audit of agency

55:14k-41: Agency financial strategy; biannual revision; annual review of housing program content

55:14k-42: Wage rate of workmen employed by qualified housing sponsors; determination

55:14k-43: Services to agency by state units or officers; payment of costs and expenses

55:14k-44: Discrimination; prohibition; violations; penalty

55:14k-45: Short title

55:14k-46: Findings, determinations, declarations

55:14k-47: Definitions

55:14k-48: Issuance of Housing Incentive Bonds

55:14k-49: Housing Incentive Finance Fund established

55:14k-50: Guarantee of construction loans

55:14k-51: Loan guarantees

55:14k-52: Insurance against defaults

55:14k-53: Rules, regulations

55:14k-54: Short title

55:14k-55: Findings, etc. relative to housing for low and moderate income families

55:14k-56: Definitions

55:14k-57: Amount set aside to provide mortgage loans

55:14k-58: Affordable Home Ownership Opportunities Fund established

55:14k-59: Loans by agency authorized

55:14k-60: Eligibility for loans

55:14k-61: Selection of eligible projects

55:14k-62: Eligible project declared public work

55:14k-63: Rules, regulations

55:14k-64: Short title

55:14k-65: Findings, declarations relative to Rental Housing Incentive Guarantee Program

55:14k-66: Definitions

55:14k-67: Rental Housing Incentive Guarantee Fund established

55:14k-68: Powers, duties of agency

55:14k-69: Agreements between agency and authority

55:14k-70: Funding provided by New Jersey Economic Development Authority

55:14k-71: Rules, regulations

55:14k-72: Short title

55:14k-73: Findings, declarations relative to cooperative housing for certain purchasers

55:14k-74: Definitions relative to cooperative housing for certain purchasers

55:14k-75: "New Jersey Senior and Disabled Cooperative Housing Finance Incentive Program"

55:14k-76: Amount from bonds set aside for certain mortgage loans, projects

55:14k-77: "Senior and Disabled Cooperative Housing Incentive Fund"

55:14k-78: Eligibility for loan

55:14k-79: Selection of projects; priority

55:14k-80: Project declared public work

55:14k-81: Rules, regulations

55:14k-82: Short title.

55:14k-83: Findings, declarations relative to residential mortgage assistance.

55:14k-84: Short title.

55:14k-85: Definitions relative to "Mortgage and Neighborhood Stabilization Financing Assistance Program."

55:14k-86: Mortgage and Neighborhood Stabilization Assistance Program, Fund.

55:14k-86.1: Certain funds used for acquisition, rehabilitation of certain properties.

55:14k-86.2: Regulations.

55:14k-86.3: Additional uses for funds.

55:14k-87: Rules, regulations.

55:14k-88: Short title.

55:14k-89: Definitions relative to "New Jersey Housing Assistance and Recovery Program."

55:14k-90: Housing Assistance and Recovery Program Support Fund.

55:14k-91: Execution of lease-purchase agreement.

55:14k-92: Notification relative to noncompliance of sponsor.

55:14k-93: Rules, regulations.

55:14k-94: Short title.

55:14k-95: Findings, declarations relative to foreclosure prevention.

55:14k-96: Definitions relative to foreclosure prevention.

55:14k-97: "New Jersey Residential Foreclosure Prevention Program."

55:14k-98: Entry into contracts, loans.

55:14k-99: Foreclosure Intervention Fund.

55:14k-100: Grants to eligible applicants.

55:14k-101: Authority of agency.

55:14k-102: Prospective homebuyer, enrolled, home buying assistance program, priority consideration.

55:14k-103: "Urban Preservation Program," "Urban Preservation Fund" established, definitions.

55:14k-104: Definitions.

55:14k-105: Zero-interest, forgivable loan program, down payment assistance; rules, regulations; report to Governor, Legislature.