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Chapter: 157 -
2a:157-2: County detectives generally; appointment; salary; duties
2a:157-3: County detectives in first-class counties
2a:157-4: County detectives in second-class counties; appointment; minimum compensation
2a:157-5: County detectives in third-class counties of over 75,000 population
2a:157-6: County detectives in third-class counties of less than 75,000 population
2a:157-9: County detectives in sixth-class counties
2a:157-10: County investigators generally; appointment, salary, duties.
2a:157-10.1: Causes for removal of county investigator.
2a:157-10.2: Subpoena power of those hearing charges.
2a:157-10.3: Suspension pending hearing.
2a:157-10.4: Charges, suspension, with or without pay.
2a:157-10.5: Reinstatement, recovery of pay.
2a:157-10.6: Recovery of salary for unlawful suspension.
2a:157-10.7: Review by Superior Court.
2a:157-10.8: Provision of means for defense, reimbursement.
2a:157-11: County investigators in first-class counties
2a:157-12: County investigators in second-class counties
2a:157-13: County investigators in third-class counties
2a:157-15: County investigators in counties of fifth class; compensation
2a:157-16: County investigators in sixth-class counties
2a:157-17: Service of process; fees
2a:157-18: Payment of salaries; fixing salaries over minimum
2a:157-19: Power of prosecutor to incur expenses
2a:157-20: County detectives and special officers; status
2a:157-22: Limitation on number
2a:157-23: Construction; "special officer" discontinued