Chapter: 1A -
21:1a-128: Short title
21:1a-129: Definitions
21:1a-130: Enforcement
21:1a-131: Rules and regulations
21:1a-132: Prohibited acts; exceptions; permit required; records and reports of permittees; disposal of deteriorated or leaking explosives
21:1a-133: Permits for manufacture, sale, storage, transportation or use of explosives
21:1a-134: Investigation of applicant; permit issued, subject to amendment; information furnished; qualifications; expiration; fees.
21:1a-135: Manufacturing establishments under jurisdiction of commissioner; plan of establishment kept in main office; contents; filing of plan may be required;
21:1a-136: Magazines; requirements
21:1a-137: Transportation of explosives
21:1a-138: Blasting operations
21:1a-139: Jurisdiction of commissioner; law governing manufacture, sale, transportation, storage or use of explosives
21:1a-140: Violations; penalties; revocation of permits; nonconforming uses.
21:1a-141: Exemptions
21:1a-142: Possession of explosives or bombs for unlawful purpose
21:1a-143: Partial invalidity
21:1a-144: Repeals