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Chapter: 3 - Unjust or unreasonable discriminations or classifications of rates; "board" defined

48:3-1: Unjust or unreasonable discriminations or classifications of rates; "board" defined

48:3-2: Unjust or unreasonable regulations

48:3-2.1: Interest on utility overpayments

48:3-2.2: Notice to customers

48:3-2.3: Assessment of late charge on unpaid utility bill, conditions.

48:3-3: Improper service; refusal or withholding of service

48:3-3.1: Refusal to furnish service for nonpayment of bill by previous occupant prohibited

48:3-4: Undue preferences

48:3-4.1: Reduced fare for transporting persons over age 65

48:3-5: Capitalizing franchises or contracts for consolidation

48:3-6: Gratuities to public officials

48:3-7: Utility property transactions.

48:3-7.1: Certain contracts between public utilities and corporations or persons owning or controlling utility stock; approval of board; disapproval

48:3-7.2: Loans to corporations or persons owning or controlling public utility stock; approval of board required

48:3-7.3: Investment of depreciation fund in certain securities; approval of board

48:3-7.4: Depreciation fund investments kept in state

48:3-7.5: Disposition of certain depreciation fund investments; board may order

48:3-7.6: Balance of depreciation fund to be deposited within state

48:3-7.7: Certain railroads exempt

48:3-7.8: Regulations applicable to public utilities.

48:3-7.9: Designation of agent.

48:3-7.10: Superior Court, chancery division, to enforce compliance

48:3-7.11: Service of process to produce records

48:3-7.12: Railroads and railway express exempt

48:3-7.13: Transportation of motor vehicles, trailers, etc.; unlawful agreements and charges; violation as misdemeanor

48:3-9: Security transactions.

48:3-10: Sale or transfer of stock unless authorized by board prohibited; exceptions.

48:3-11: Article to govern granting of consents; "street" defined

48:3-12: Petition; contents

48:3-13: Notice; publication

48:3-14: Notice; contents

48:3-15: Grant by ordinance; fifty-year limit

48:3-16: Acceptance of ordinance granting consent to be filed

48:3-17: Construction; exceptions

48:3-17a: Public utility pole or underground facility placement; municipal consent required; procedures, enforcement.

48:3-17.1: Presumption from occupancy; action for removal of poles barred in 10 years

48:3-17.2: Definitions

48:3-17.3: Recording of grants; effect as constructive notice

48:3-17.3a: Notice of development applications

48:3-17.4: Effect of act on previously granted easement rights

48:3-17.5: Effective date

48:3-17.6: Authority to take property

48:3-17.7: Necessity; application; notice and hearing; rules and regulations

48:3-17.8: Taking of state property prohibited

48:3-17.9: Definitions

48:3-17.10: Notice to landowner before entry

48:3-17.11: Definitions relative to public utility infrastructure projects.

48:3-17.12: Notification of infrastructure project plan to local unit, local utility service area; examination of underground utility facility.

48:3-17.13: Notification of public utilities; examination of underground utility facility.

48:3-17.14: Rules, regulations.

48:3-18: Agreements

48:3-19: Municipal consent

48:3-20: Powers, rights and franchises not impaired

48:3-20.1: Franchise not to lapse on death of holder; transfer by estate with consent of board

48:3-20.2: Designation of agent to act for estate

48:3-21: Sale of property and franchises of gas, water, or gas and water companies; purchasers constituted corporation; powers

48:3-22: Filing certificate of organization; copy as evidence

48:3-23: Sale of railroad, canal, turnpike, bridge or plank road company; purchasers constituted corporation; powers

48:3-24: Meeting of purchasers for organization of new corporation; procedure; stock and bonds

48:3-25: Certificate of organization; filing; prior liens not affected

48:3-26: Number of directors of new company

48:3-27: Railroad, canal or turnpike lying partly within and partly without state

48:3-28: Receivers or trustees for insolvent companies; appointment; sale or lease of property

48:3-29: Sale or lease of property and franchises by receiver; exception

48:3-30: Time-tables to conform to standard time

48:3-31: Passes to officers and employees and their families; "employees" defined

48:3-32: Free transportation of police; deduction from franchise tax

48:3-33: Dog may accompany blind, handicapped or deaf person on buses or other public utilities

48:3-34: Transportation of blind person and guide for one fare

48:3-35: Overcharges; penalty; recovery

48:3-36: Ticket agents; certificate of authority; selling without certificate; penalty

48:3-37: Redemption of unused tickets

48:3-38: Police for railroad, street railway, canal or steamboat companies

48:3-42: Identification badges; necessity for employees for collections or reading meters

48:3-43: Size, form of badge

48:3-44: Issuance of new identification badge

48:3-45: Improper use of public utility employee identification badge, fourth degree crime.

48:3-46: Failure to issue identification badge by public utility; penalty

48:3-47: Failure to wear identification badge; penalty; collection of penalties

48:3-48: Notification of customers

48:3-49: Short title

48:3-50: Findings, declarations relative to competition in the electric power and gas industries

48:3-51: Definitions relative to competition in the electric power, gas, solar energy and offshore wind industries.

48:3-52: Electric public utilities, unbundled rate schedules

48:3-53: Provision of retail choice of electric power suppliers

48:3-54: Offering of customer account services on regulated basis

48:3-55: Competitive service to retail customers requires board approval

48:3-56: Board shall not regulate certain aspects of competitive services

48:3-57: Electric public utility to provide basic generation service; Retail Margin Fund, use; report.

48:3-58: Gas public utilities, unbundled rate schedules

48:3-59: Requirements for electric public utility after retail choice

48:3-60: Societal benefits charge by public utility; Universal Service Fund

48:3-60.1: Imposition of certain charges by gas public utilities prohibited.

48:3-60.2: BPU to provide equal opportunity for certain types of funding incentives for businesses.

48:3-60.3: Credit against societal benefits charge permitted.

48:3-60.4: Certain energy incentives available Statewide.

48:3-61: Market transition charge for stranded costs

48:3-62: Authorization for issuance of transition bonds.

48:3-63: Proceeds of transition bonds not considered income to utility; tax consequences of sale of assets

48:3-64: Bondable stranded costs rate orders

48:3-65: Orders become irrevocable upon issuance

48:3-66: State pledge to holders of transition bonds; orders not pledge of State's credit

48:3-67: Customers assessed for transition bond charges

48:3-68: Effectiveness of bondable stranded costs rate order

48:3-69: Recourse against issuer only

48:3-70: Electric public utility to maintain records of transition bond charges

48:3-71: Issuance of transition bonds; security

48:3-72: Transfer of bondable transition property

48:3-73: Successor to electric public utility

48:3-74: Application for bondable stranded costs rate order not required

48:3-75: Expedited judicial review of bondable stranded costs rate orders

48:3-76: Bondable transition property constitutes an account.

48:3-77: Charges for sale, delivery of power to off-site customer.

48:3-77.1: Utilization of locally franchised public utility electric distribution infrastructure.

48:3-78: Electric power supplier license

48:3-79: Gas supplier license

48:3-80: Investigative powers of board relative to suppliers

48:3-81: Revocation, suspension, refusal to issue, renew supplier's license

48:3-82: Additional remedies

48:3-83: Violations, penalties

48:3-84: Rights, remedies, prohibitions; cumulative

48:3-85: Consumer protection standards

48:3-86: "Slamming" prevention; penalties.

48:3-87: Environmental disclosure requirements; standards; rules.

48:3-87.1: Application to construct offshore wind project.

48:3-87.2: Approval of project by board.

48:3-87.2a: Findings, declarations.

48:3-87.3: Findings, declarations relative to nuclear energy.

48:3-87.2b: Definitions.

48:3-87.2c: Qualified offshore wind project, elect, retain, incremental federal tax benefits.

48:3-87.4: Definitions relative to nuclear energy.

48:3-87.2d: Eligible qualified offshore wind project, retain, incremental federal tax benefits, file, compliance.

48:3-87.2e: Severability.

48:3-87.5: Information included with application; certification.

48:3-87.2f: Eligible qualified offshore wind project, retain, incremental federal tax benefits, report.

48:3-87.6: Study by BPU to evaluate efficacy of program.

48:3-87.7: Severability.

48:3-87.8: Energy storage analysis; report.

48:3-87.9: Public utility to reduce use of electricity, natural gas in territory.

48:3-87.10: Study to determine optimal voltage; benchmark energy and water use for certain commercial buildings.

48:3-87.11: "Community Solar Energy Pilot Program"; rules, regulations.

48:3-87.12: Application, approval process.

48:3-87.13: Rules, regulations for "Dual-Use Solar Energy Pilot Program."

48:3-87.14: Definitions; recycled materials manufacturing facility, exemption from renewable energy portfolio standards obligations.

48:3-88: Status of municipal systems, rural electric cooperatives, definition.

48:3-89: Aggregator contracts; bundling restriction; tax treatment

48:3-90: Registration of private aggregator.

48:3-91: Government aggregator.

48:3-91.1: Written contract for procurement of certain electric and gas services for State or local government or aggregator.

48:3-91.2: Request for inclusion in proposed contract.

48:3-91.3: Determination of best contract for services; alternative forms of bidding; administrative fee.

48:3-91.4: Provision in contract for additional locations, facilities of government.

48:3-91.5: Regulations.

48:3-91.6: Contracts for provision of alternative electrical energy systems; inclusion of local units in State contract, certain conditions; definitions.

48:3-92: Government energy aggregation programs

48:3-93.1: Establishment, operation of government energy aggregation program

48:3-93.2: Rules, regulations relative to government energy aggregation

48:3-93.3: Contributions to campaign committees, candidates, office holders; restrictions; enforcement

48:3-94: Operation of government energy aggregation program

48:3-95: Rule adoptions by board

48:3-96: Standards for inspection, maintenance, repair, replacement of electric equipment, facilities

48:3-96.1: Electronic billing, payment by BPU customers, certain circumstances.

48:3-97: Construction of act relative to DOT, DEP

48:3-98: Effective date; retroactivity

48:3-98.1: Electric, gas public utilities energy efficiency and conservation programs, investments, cost recovery; terms defined.

48:3-98.2: Findings, declarations relative to a long-term capacity agreement pilot program to promote construction of qualified electric generation facilities.

48:3-98.3: Initiation, completion of schedule to support commencement of LCAPP.

48:3-98.4: Challenged provisions; final resolution.

48:3-98.5: Switching between certain providers.

48:3-99: Definitions relative to energy efficiency.

48:3-100: Applicability of act.

48:3-101: Rules, regulations establishing minimum energy efficiency standards.

48:3-102: Compliance of new products with standards, time.

48:3-103: Procedures for testing energy efficiency of new products.

48:3-104: Periodic inspections of distributors, retailers.

48:3-105: Investigations of complaints; violations, penalties.

48:3-106: Further regulations.

48:3-106.1: Definitions.

48:3-106.2: School and Small Business Energy Efficiency Stimulus Program Fund.

48:3-106.3: Modifications to law, regulation that may interfere with expedited award.

48:3-106.4: SSBVEEVR program.

48:3-106.5: Administration of School and Small Business Noncompliant Plumbing Fixture and Appliance Program.

48:3-106.6: Rules, regulations.

48:3-107: Program for certification of persons who install renewable energy devices in buildings; fee schedule; rules, regulations.

48:3-108: Standard request for proposal.

48:3-109: BPU designated as responsible agency.

48:3-110: Definitions relative to certain electric generation facilities.

48:3-111: Connection with distribution network.

48:3-111.1: Electric public utility, authorize, installation, operation, meter collar adapter, conditions; definitions.

48:3-112: Net metering, rate.

48:3-113: Standby charge.

48:3-114: Findings, declarations relative to certain solar energy projects.

48:3-115: SREC-II program.

48:3-116: Development of small solar facilities incentive program.

48:3-117: Solicitation process for awarding contracts.

48:3-118: Requirements for solar electric power generation facilities receiving SREC-II grants.

48:3-119: Siting criteria required to commence operation.

48:3-120: Report to Governor, Legislature.

48:3-121: Qualified solar electric power generation facility, tolling event, deadline, extension, conditions; definitions.

48:3-122: Definitions.

48:3-123: Abandoned line, owning entity, correcting condition, removal.

48:3-124: Owner, structures, suspected abandoned line, attached, request removal, removal timeline.

48:3-125: Violations, fines.

48:3-126: Employee, subcontractor, responsible, installing lines, responding to service calls, affirmative duty, report line believed to be under ownership of e

48:3-127: Rules, regulations.