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Chapter: 4 - Boards of trustees; appointment; terms; vacancies; removal; compensation; organization
30:4-1: Boards of trustees; appointment; terms; vacancies; removal; compensation; organization
30:4-1.1: Boards of trustees; powers and duties
30:4-2: Principal office of each board
30:4-3: Institutional officers and employees
30:4-3.1: Residency requirement
30:4-3.2: Working test period and job training program
30:4-3.3: Qualified residents; insufficient number
30:4-3.5: Criminal history record checks.
30:4-3.7: Written notice; hearing
30:4-3.10: Cost-bearing by Department of Human Services
30:4-3.11: Requirements for corrections officer
30:4-3.12: Definitions relative to employees of State psychiatric hospitals
30:4-3.13: Staff member not to supervise immediate family member
30:4-3.14: Notification of outside employment of staff member
30:4-3.15: Definitions relative to reporting patient abuse, professional misconduct
30:4-3.16: Report of abuse of patient
30:4-3.17: Report of professional misconduct
30:4-3.18: Patient abuse, professional misconduct reporting program
30:4-3.20: Failure to report, penalty
30:4-3.22: State psychiatric hospital to conduct public meetings.
30:4-3.23: Definitions relative to State psychiatric hospitals.
30:4-3.24: Reporting system for physical assaults, unexpected deaths at State psychiatric hospitals.
30:4-3.25: Notification relative to certain deaths.
30:4-3.26: Rules, regulations.
30:4-4: Management and authority vested in chief executive officers
30:4-4a: Reference to board of managers as reference to chief executive officer
30:4-4.1: Requirements for internship in public hospital
30:4-5: Responsibility of executive officer
30:4-6: Duties of chief executive officer.
30:4-6.1: Prosecutor notified by institution or parole board of inmate release; process.
30:4-6.2: "Prisoner Reentry Commission."
30:4-7: Hospitalization of inmates
30:4-7.1: Provision for health, safety, and welfare of incompetent patients, residents.
30:4-7.2: Consent for treatment for certain patients, inmates, residents, or juveniles.
30:4-7.3: Authority to consent to emergency treatment.
30:4-7.4: Notice of required treatment to parent, guardian.
30:4-7.5: Exemption from personal liability for chief executive officer, regional administrator.
30:4-7.6: Construction of act relative to healing by prayer.
30:4-7.7: Definitions relative to testing of blood of patients at State psychiatric facilities.
30:4-7.8: Blood testing required upon admission; information; guidelines for treatment.
30:4-7.10: Actions to ensure compliance.
30:4-8: Isolation or quarantine of inmates having communicable disease
30:4-8.1: Attendance of prisoners at bedside or funeral of dying or deceased relative
30:4-8.2: Rules and regulations concerning attendance at bedside or funeral
30:4-8.5: Furnishing to new arrivals; explanation to non-English speaking prisoners
30:4-8.6: Assignment of inmates in proximity to family.
30:4-8.7: Incarceration of female inmates.
30:4-8.8: Submission of complaints concerning female inmates.
30:4-8.9: Defendant advised of child support orders, judgments.
30:4-8.10: Posting of change in visitation privileges on website.
30:4-8.11: "Private correctional facility" defined.
30:4-8.12: Telephone service contracts for inmates.
30:4-8.13: Availability of collect call system for inmates.
30:4-8.14: Rules, regulations.
30:4-8.15: Findings, declarations.
30:4-9: Residence at institution; maintenance
30:4-10: Maintenance of personnel
30:4-11: Offices may be changed or abolished
30:4-13: Discharge of unclassified employees
30:4-14: Police officers for Department of Human Services; powers; appointment
30:4-14.1: Authorization required to carry firearm
30:4-14.2: Training requirements for Human Services police officers
30:4-15: Commissaries for sale of commodities to inmates, visitors and personnel
30:4-15.1: Collection of "VCCB Surcharge" by commissary in correctional facility.
30:4-16: Liability in law action
30:4-16.3: Waiver of filing fee; part payment
30:4-16.4: Disposition of monies derived from judgment
30:4-16.5: Definitions relative to civil actions by inmates
30:4-16.6: Provision of prescription medications to certain incarcerated persons.
30:4-17: Acquisition of lands for state institutions
30:4-19: Acquisition of additional real estate for certain juvenile institutions not owned by state
30:4-20: Sale of surplus state hospital lands
30:4-21: Sale of old deaf school
30:4-22: Sale of Kearny home for disabled soldiers
30:4-24: General principles, applicability.
30:4-24.1: Civil rights and medical care for mentally ill
30:4-24.3: Confidentiality; exceptions.
30:4-24.3a: Submission of certain mental health records required.
30:4-24.4: Written reports accounting for expenditures.
30:4-24.5: Study of management and handling of moneys; regulations
30:4-25.1: Definitions; classes for application for admission to functional services.
30:4-25.2: Application for determination of eligibility.
30:4-25.3: Determination of eligibility.
30:4-25.4: Issuance of statement of eligibility.
30:4-25.5: Court order for care and custody of eligible minors.
30:4-25.6: Admission to functional services; alternative services.
30:4-25.7: Provision for health, safety, welfare, etc., of persons admitted.
30:4-25.8: Maintenance of contact and consultation with parents or guardians of persons admitted.
30:4-25.9: Conditions of eligibility for functional services participation.
30:4-25.9a: Required notifications.
30:4-25.11: Application for determination of eligibility for services to developmentally disabled.
30:4-25.12: Entry into cooperative agreements by departments.
30:4-25.13: Definitions relative to certain Division of Developmental Disabilities facilities.
30:4-25.14: Admission to MSU by court orders.
30:4-25.15: Procedures prior to admission to MSU.
30:4-25.16: Actions of the court relative to admission to MSU.
30:4-25.17: Court review of order every six months, possible actions.
30:4-25.19: Construction of act relative to commitment to functional services.
30:4-25.21: Cooperative agreements.
30:4-25.22: Construction of act relative to P.L.2012, c.16.
30:4-25.23: Construction of act.
30:4-27.1: Findings, declarations.
30:4-27.3: Involuntary commitment to treatment.
30:4-27.4a: Duties of department.
30:4-27.5: Screening service procedures.
30:4-27.7: Immunity from liability.
30:4-27.8: Short-term care facilities designated.
30:4-27.8a: Plan of outpatient treatment developed by provider.
30:4-27.9: Purposes, procedures.
30:4-27.10: Court proceedings.
30:4-27.11a: Findings, declarations
30:4-27.11c: Patient not deprived of rights through receiving assessment, treatment
30:4-27.11d: Rights of patient in short-term care facility
30:4-27.11e: Rights of patient in screening service
30:4-27.13: Notice of hearing.
30:4-27.14: Patient rights at hearing.
30:4-27.15: Court findings relative to involuntary commitment to treatment.
30:4-27.15a: Court determination of assignment of patient to involuntary commitment to treatment.
30:4-27.16: Court review hearings.
30:4-27.17: Discharge determination.
30:4-27.18a: Reference to mean "in need of involuntary commitment to treatment."
30:4-27.19: Interim financial assistance
30:4-27.20: Discharge of voluntary patients
30:4-27.21: Transfer of patients
30:4-27.22: Uniform detainer form
30:4-27.25: Findings, declarations relative to sexually violent predators
30:4-27.26: Definitions relative to sexually violent predators
30:4-27.27: Written notice to Attorney General of anticipated release, discharge
30:4-27.28: Initiation of court proceeding for involuntary commitment
30:4-27.30: Notice of court hearing
30:4-27.31: Rights at court hearing
30:4-27.32: Order authorizing continued involuntary commitment
30:4-27.33: Involuntary commitment of person lacking mental competence to stand trial
30:4-27.34: Operation of facility for sexually violent predators; regulations
30:4-27.35: Annual court review hearing
30:4-27.36: Recommendation for discharge
30:4-27.38: Written notice of release
30:4-31: Commitment of nonresidents
30:4-34: County adjuster for commitment of persons with mental illness.
30:4-34.1: Tenure after 5 years of service
30:4-35: County adjuster to file certificate of appointment with commissioner
30:4-49: Legal settlement in county; aliens
30:4-49.1: Settlement of married woman
30:4-49.2: Settlement of minor born in wedlock
30:4-49.3: Settlement of minor born out of wedlock
30:4-49.4: Minors; capability of separate settlement
30:4-50: Continuance of settlement; abandonment
30:4-51: Legal settlement in State
30:4-52: State to bear costs of nonresident
30:4-53: Returning patient to proper residence
30:4-54: Legal settlement of inmates of foreign institutions
30:4-55: Bringing inmates of foreign institutions into state; misdemeanor
30:4-56: Judgment of commitment; expense; filing fee.
30:4-57: If no settlement in any county
30:4-60: Payments, determination of amount, liability therefor.
30:4-60a: Regulations concerning sliding scale fee and patient liability.
30:4-60.1: Transcript of evidence of indigency furnished institution
30:4-60.2: "Estate," "patient" defined
30:4-63: Commitment of person with mental illness, payment.
30:4-65: Guardian of estate, bond, discharge
30:4-66: Liability for support.
30:4-67: Rate for maintenance of patient
30:4-67.1: Deposit and maintenance of funds of inmates; use of funds and interest
30:4-68: Patients unable to pay cost of hospitalization supported by county of legal settlement
30:4-68.1: Medicaid and Medicare eligible patients
30:4-68.2: Monthly personal needs allowance, $35.
30:4-69: Patients unable to pay cost of hospitalization supported by state
30:4-70: Collection of arrearages; modification of order of commitment
30:4-71: Change of status from contributing patient; change of rate of payment
30:4-72: Notice of change of status
30:4-74: Continuing liability of patient's estate or persons chargeable
30:4-75.1: Authority to collect moneys due the State
30:4-75.2: Rules and regulations
30:4-75.3: Repeal of inconsistent laws
30:4-76: Statement of settlement and financial ability furnished
30:4-77: Settlement of claims; funds for rehabilitation
30:4-78.1: County to submit financial and management plan for psychiatric facility
30:4-78.2: State assumption of management and operation of psychiatric facility.
30:4-78.3: Determination of eligibility for State reimbursement for costs
30:4-78.4: State authority over county psychiatric facility to replace certain administrators
30:4-78.5: Deduction of State services from county appropriation
30:4-79: Payments by county treasurer; statement furnished
30:4-80: Tax levy; repayment by those legally liable
30:4-80.1: Lien against property of persons confined, receiving services.
30:4-80.2: Form and execution of lien; maintenance not covered by lien
30:4-80.3: Filing of lien; effect
30:4-80.5: Books for entry and indexing of liens; no fees required
30:4-80.6: Discharge of liens, certain.
30:4-80.6a: Liens, certain; extinguished.
30:4-80.6b: Public access to certain liens limited.
30:4-80.7: Review of validity of lien; discharge
30:4-80.8: Application for relief.
30:4-80.10: Inapplicability of act, exception.
30:4-80.11: Effect of order of expungement
30:4-82.1: Findings, declarations
30:4-82.2: Mental health services plan
30:4-82.3: Deadline; regulations
30:4-82.4: Procedures for inmates "in need of involuntary commitment"
30:4-82.6: Findings, declarations relative to the use of isolated confinement.
30:4-82.7: Definitions relative to the use of isolated confinement.
30:4-82.8: Limitations on use of isolated confinement in correctional facilities.
30:4-82.9: Placement in isolated confinement pending investigation of disciplinary offense.
30:4-82.10: Duties of commissioner prior to effective date.
30:4-83.1: Notice of transfer.
30:4-84.3: Temporary or indefinite transfers
30:4-85.1: Transfer of inmates
30:4-86: Custody of transferred persons; retransfer
30:4-88: Prisoners conveyed by sheriffs; bills of costs
30:4-89: Expenses for transfer
30:4-91: Transfer of indigent nonresident patients
30:4-91.1: Transfer to more appropriate institution or facility; authority of commissioner
30:4-91.2: Designation by commissioner or agent; facility defined
30:4-91.3: Extension of limits of place of confinement
30:4-91.3a: State or county prisoners; release on interim basis; notice to local police department
30:4-91.3b: Furlough prohibited, prisoners, certain
30:4-91.3c: Definitions relative to wanted person checks.
30:4-91.3d: Conducting wanted person check on inmates or suspects.
30:4-91.3e: Definitions relative to correctional facility security; regulations.
30:4-91.4: Withdrawals from inmate's account.
30:4-91.5: Escape from confinement
30:4-91.6: Rules and regulations
30:4-91.7: Authority of state parole board
30:4-91.8: Notice of review for community release of certain inmates.
30:4-91.9: Definitions relative to certain private corrections facilities.
30:4-91.10: Confinement of eligible inmates in private facilities.
30:4-91.11: Preparation, transmittal of information regarding background of inmate.
30:4-91.12: Establishment of community relations advisory board.
30:4-91.13: Escape of inmate from private facility, notices required.
30:4-91.14: Rules, regulations.
30:4-91.15: Program to record and analyze recidivism.
30:4-91.16: Transfer of account balance to inmate upon release.
30:4-91.17: Reinstatement of inmate into Medicaid program upon release.
30:4-91.18: Establishment of mentoring program.
30:4-91.19: Report on status of Residential Community Release Program beds.
30:4-91.20: Inventory, review of vocational training programs.
30:4-91.21: Actions relative to revising, terminating inmate vocational training program.
30:4-91.22: Attorneys, representatives permitted to visit halfway houses.
30:4-91.23: Rules, regulations.
30:4-92: Compensation for inmates
30:4-92.1: Mandatory workforce skills training program.
30:4-92.2: Program of mandatory education.
30:4-92.3: Vocational Training Pilot Program.
30:4-93: Contracts for labor and products.
30:4-93.1: Interstate sale of articles, goods manufactured by inmates
30:4-94: Catalogue of articles and prices
30:4-95: Purchases of articles manufactured by institutional labor
30:4-96: Estimates for ensuing year; no technical evasion
30:4-97: Sale of surplus; goods stamped
30:4-98: Powers of state board
30:4-99: Limitations on employment; marching prisoners in irons; armed guards; free labor
30:4-101: Married couples not to be separated, exceptions.
30:4-102: Female patients to be accompanied
30:4-103: County physician to certify cause of death in institution
30:4-104: Post-mortem examinations
30:4-105: Certificate of death or discharge; record
30:4-107.1: Release of person; provision of functional services.
30:4-107.2: Continuation of functional services after attainment by minor of majority
30:4-107.3: Discharge of persons receiving functional services without court order.
30:4-107.5: Discharge of persons admitted under Class I
30:4-114: Payment on parole or discharge; return of personal property
30:4-116: Retaking persons leaving without discharge
30:4-116.1: Notification of escape
30:4-117: Retaking of patients of county mental hospital
30:4-119: Assist return to institution
30:4-122: Money advanced for the return of inmates
30:4-123: Use of fund for traveling expenses of paroled inmates and parole officers
30:4-123.45: Short title, definitions relative to parole.
30:4-123.46: Application of act
30:4-123.47: State Parole Board
30:4-123.47a: Parole Advisory Board established.
30:4-123.47b: Duties of advisory board.
30:4-123.47c: Division of Parole in State Parole Board, constituted.
30:4-123.48: Policies, determinations of parole board.
30:4-123.51: Eligibility for parole.
30:4-123.51e: Compassionate release for certain inmates.
30:4-123.51c: "Terminal condition, disease or syndrome," defined; medical parole conditions.
30:4-123.53: Release of inmate.
30:4-123.53a: Definitions; notice of release of certain offenders; procedures.
30:4-123.54: Report prior to parole eligibility date
30:4-123.54a: Inmate liable for cost of psychological evaluation; rules, regulations.
30:4-123.55a: State Parole Board notification to prosecutor
30:4-123.55c: Definitions relative to prisoner reentry.
30:4-123.55d: Administrative parole release.
30:4-123.55e: Parole compliance credits.
30:4-123.55f: Reduction of term of supervision of parolee during public health emergency.
30:4-123.56: Schedule of future parole eligibility date; statement of denial.
30:4-123.57: Review of case of juvenile inmate
30:4-123.59: Legal custody and supervision; conditions.
30:4-123.60: Violation of parole conditions
30:4-123.61: Violation of conditions of parole; review; appeal
30:4-123.62: Parole violation; apprehension; hearing.
30:4-123.63: Revocation of parole; hearing
30:4-123.64: Schedule of future parole eligibility dates after revocation of parole
30:4-123.65: Term limited by sentence
30:4-123.66: Discharge from parole prior to maximum term.
30:4-123.67: Parole contract agreements resulting in reduction of term of parole.
30:4-123.69: Supersedure of inconsistent acts; inapplicability to Code of Criminal Justice
30:4-123.76: Violation of conditions of parole
30:4-123.88: Polygraph exams of offenders, conditions, use, cost.
30:4-123.90: Findings, declarations relative to monitoring of sex offenders.
30:4-123.91: Definitions relative to monitoring of sex offenders.
30:4-123.92: Program for continuous, satellite-based monitoring of sex offenders.
30:4-123.93: Sharing of criminal incident information.
30:4-123.94: Noncompliance, third degree crime.
30:4-123.95: Interference with monitoring device, third degree crime.
30:4-123.97: Additional penalty for certain sex offenders.
30:4-123.98: "Sex Offender Supervision Fund."
30:4-123.99: Development of program, training for certain parole officers.
30:4-123.100: Public health emergency credits.
30:4-123.101: Identification of inmates scheduled to be released; notification.
30:4-123.102: Actions of prosecutor, Attorney General.
30:4-123.103: Prohibition against making contact with victim.
30:4-124: Records; recommendations to courts
30:4-125: Case records of patients
30:4-127: Visitation of certain institutions; application to Superior Court judge.
30:4-128: Keepers to permit investigation
30:4-129: Power to summon witnesses; resolution designating division chief
30:4-130: Witnesses' fees and mileage
30:4-132: Sale of unclaimed property; proceeds; disposition
30:4-133: Unclaimed wages; disposition
30:4-134: Institutions supported by county funds; proceeds of unclaimed property
30:4-135: Institutions supported by municipal funds; proceeds of unclaimed property
30:4-136: State prison defined
30:4-139: United States prisoners
30:4-140: Reduction schedule for minimum-maximum sentences
30:4-140.1: Attempt by inmate to obtain certain information; forfeiture of good time.
30:4-144: Eight hours a day's service
30:4-145: Advances for transporting guards and prisoners; accounting
30:4-146: Youth correctional institution complex defined
30:4-147: Commitment of males to Youth Correctional Institution Complex
30:4-148: Sentences to correctional institutions of person under 26
30:4-153: Correctional institution for women defined
30:4-154: Commitment of females to Correctional Institution for Women
30:4-157.2: Warrant of commitment, records
30:4-157.4: Expenses for commitment proceedings, board of juvenile
30:4-157.7: Juvenile not indentured, bound out to service
30:4-157.8: Placement of paroled juvenile
30:4-162: Geographic districts; designation of hospitals to receive persons from the districts
30:4-165.1: Provision of comprehensive evaluation, functional and guardianship services.
30:4-165.2: Residential and nonresidential functional services.
30:4-165.3: Investigation of residency, ability to pay; records maintained by county
30:4-165.4: "Guardianship services" defined.
30:4-165.5: Application for appointment of guardian.
30:4-165.7: Filing of complaint for guardianship.
30:4-165.8: Necessary affidavits; "significant chronic functional impairment" defined.
30:4-165.11: "Incapacitated person" defined.
30:4-165.12: Appointment of guardian
30:4-165.13: Review of prior guardianships.
30:4-165.13a: Annual report to the Legislature
30:4-165.14: Public Defender as counsel
30:4-165.15: Modification, termination, review
30:4-177.1: Arthur Brisbane Child Treatment Center; location
30:4-177.2: Equipment and maintenance for treatment of children with nervous disorders
30:4-177.3: Voluntary admissions; application
30:4-177.4: Commitment from court
30:4-177.5: Admission in same manner as other patients are admitted to mental hospitals
30:4-177.6: Treatment; release or transfer
30:4-177.7: Transfers; forms for admission or commitment
30:4-177.8: Board of managers; superintendent
30:4-177.9: Laws governing at Center
30:4-177.10: Children under care of Board of Children's Guardians, admission of
30:4-177.12: Establishment of institution
30:4-177.13: Declaration of public policy
30:4-177.14: Persons admitted and treated
30:4-177.15: Manner of admission
30:4-177.16: Application for admission other than by transfer or voluntary request
30:4-177.17: Application for voluntary admission
30:4-177.18: Management, operation and administration
30:4-177.19a: Neuro-Psychiatric Institute; construction; transfer of funds
30:4-177.19b: Contract with Rutgers for administration, management and supervision of operation
30:4-177.19c: Powers and duties
30:4-177.19d: Agreements authorized by resolution of board of control
30:4-177.19e: Agreements subject to approval of state house commission
30:4-177.32: Establishment, equipment and maintenance
30:4-177.33: Establishment; areas; programs and procedures
30:4-177.35: Management, direction and control
30:4-177.39: Findings, declarations
30:4-177.40: Development Center at Ancora
30:4-177.41: Community placement
30:4-177.42: Report, evaluation.
30:4-177.44: Findings, declarations
30:4-177.46: Program of family support services established
30:4-177.47: Monitoring, administering the program; State Family Support Services Plan
30:4-177.48: Family working groups established
30:4-177.49: Duties of coordinator
30:4-177.50: Allocation of monies
30:4-177.51: Family support services considered State benefit
30:4-177.52: Rules, regulations
30:4-177.56: Powers of commissioner
30:4-177.57: Use of certain monies received by State
30:4-177.58: Rules, regulations
30:4-177.59: Rules, regulations relative to psychiatric facilities operated by DHS.
30:4-177.62: DHS rules, regulations.
30:4-177.64: Follow-up studies.
30:4-177.65: Compilation of results of follow-up studies; reports.
30:4-177.66: Information relative to open beds in certain residential facilities.
30:4-177.67: Submission of information by facility.
30:4-178: Expenses and compensation of persons designated to attend conventions
30:4-179: Annual compensation fixed
30:4-180: Minimum compensation; yearly increase; maximum compensation
30:4-181: Limitation on annual increase
30:4-182: Compensation not reduced; payment