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Chapter: 54 - Establishment; chapter applicable to libraries established under other laws
40:54-1: Establishment; chapter applicable to libraries established under other laws
40:54-4: Ballot; form and content
40:54-6: Vote required for adoption
40:54-7: Rejection of proposition; second election
40:54-7.1: Dissolution of free public libraries.
40:54-8.1: Limitation on increase in amount raised by taxation.
40:54-8.2: Preparation of ballots.
40:54-9: Trustees; number, appointment and term; alternates
40:54-10: Vacancies; how filled
40:54-11: Trustees; corporate name; organization; officers; certificate; recording and filing
40:54-12.1: Purchases not requiring advertisements for bids
40:54-12.2: Free public library administrators, duties
40:54-13: Trustees; treasurer; bond and duties
40:54-14: Trustees; compensation; limitation on amount of indebtedness
40:54-15: Annual report, identification of excess funds to municipality, transfer procedure.
40:54-16: Appropriation for furnishing
40:54-17: Fines expended for library purposes
40:54-17.1: Moneys from operation of photocopy machines
40:54-18: Use of money paid by library to municipal treasury
40:54-19: Devises and bequests to trustees.
40:54-19.1: Loan of funds received as gift or bequest
40:54-19.2: Strict compliance with law in making loans required
40:54-19.3: Investment of funds; regulation of bonds or securities
40:54-19.4: Custody of securities; report; minutes
40:54-19.5: Income from investments
40:54-20: Gifts of works of art; acceptance and maintenance
40:54-21: Acceptance of conditional gifts generally
40:54-22: Custodian of gifts; expenditure
40:54-23: Municipalities may furnish site where buildings are offered; amount
40:54-24: Purchase of site; title
40:54-25: Lands and buildings; purchase and alteration; financing; title
40:54-28: Acquisition of lands by condemnation
40:54-29: Transfer of books to library
40:54-29.3: Joint free public libraries
40:54-29.4: Apportionment of appropriations
40:54-29.5: Joint library agreement, filing.
40:54-29.8: Approval of resolution
40:54-29.9: Amendment of joint library agreement; approval by ordinance
40:54-29.10: Joint library trustees
40:54-29.12: Board of trustees as body corporate; name
40:54-29.13: Board of trustees
40:54-29.13a: Joint free public library administrators, duties
40:54-29.14: Disbursing officer
40:54-29.16: Certification of sum needed for operation of joint library; apportionment.
40:54-29.17: Raising of sum needed, quarterly payments.
40:54-29.18: Capital improvements; certification of sums needed; apportionment of costs
40:54-29.19: Appropriation for capital improvements; borrowing
40:54-29.20: Consent to capital improvements; expenditures
40:54-29.24: Discontinuance; form of ballot