THE CONCESSIONS and Agreement of the Lords Proprietors of the Province of New Cesarea, or New Jersey to and with all and every the Adventurers and all such as shall Settle or Plant there

[5th part], "And that the planting of the said province be the more speedily promoted." N.J. Archives (1st ser.) 1:28, 37-40 (Feb.10,1664) [this HTML version taken from HTML text prepared by the staff of State Government Information Services, The New Jersey State Library]

And that the planting of the said Province may be more speedily promoted.

i. WEE doe hereby Graunt unto all persons who have alreadie Adventured to the Province of New Cesaria or new Jersey or shall transport themselves or Servants before the first day of January which shall be in the yeare of our Lord 1665. These following proporc'ons viz. to every ffreeman that shall goe with the first Governor from the Port when he imbarques (or shall meet him at the Randevouze hee appoints) for the Settlement of a Plantac'on there; armed with a good Muskett boare twelve bulletts to the Pound, with Tenn pounds of powder and Twenty pound of Bulletts, with bandeleers and match convenient, and with six months provision for his own person arriving there 150 acres of Land English measure And for every able man Servant that he shall carry with him armed and provided as aforesaid and arriving there, the like quantity of 150 acres of land English measure, And whoever shall send Servants at that time shall for every able man Servant hee or she soe sends armed and provided as aforesaid and arriving there the like quantity of 150 acres And for every weaker Servant or Slave male or female exceeding the age of ffourteen yeares which any one shall send or carry arriveing there 75 acres of Land And to every Christian Servant exceeding the age aforesaid after the expiracon of their time of service 75 acres of Land for their own use.

2. Item to every Master or Mistres that shall goe before the first day of January which shalbe in the yeare of our Lord 1665, 120 acres of land and for every able man Servant that hee or she shall carry or send armed and provided as aforesaid and arriving within the time aforesaid the like quantity of 120 acres of land, and for every weaker Servant or Slave male or female exceeding the age of 14 yeares arriving there 60 acres of land, and to every Christian Servant to their owne use and behoofe 60 acres of land.

3. Item to every ffreeman and ffreewoman [who] shall arrive in the said Province armed and provided as aforesaid within the second year from the first day of January 1665 to the first of Jan'y 1666 with an intenc'on to plant 90 acres of land English measure, and for every able man Servant that hee or she shall carry or send armed and provided as aforesaid 90 acres of land like measure.

4. Item for every weaker Servant or slave aged as aforesaid that shall be soe carried or sent thither within the second yeare as aforesaid 45 acres of land of like measure And to every Christian Servant that shall arrive the second yeare 45 acres of land of like measure after the expiracon of his or their time of Service for their own use and behoofe.

5. Item to every ffreeman and ffreewoman Armed and provided as aforesaid That shall goe and arrive with an intencon to plant within the third yeare from January 1666 to January 1667 60 acres of land of like measure And for every able man Servant that he or they shall carry or send within the said time armed and provided as aforesaid the like quantitie of 60 acres of land, And for every weaker Servant or Slave aged as aforesaid that hee or they shall carry or send within the Third yeare 30 acres of land and to every Christian Servant soe carried or sent in the Third yeare 30 acres of land of like measure after the expiracon of his or their time of Service. All which Land and all other that shall be possessed in the said Province are to be held on the same termes and Condic'ons as is before menc'oned and as hereafter in the following Paragraphs is more at lar[g]e expressed.

Provided alwaies that the before menc'oned Land and all other whatsoever that shall be taken up and soe setled in the said Province shall afterward from time to time for the space of thirteen yeares from the date hereof be held upon the Condicons aforesaid continuing one able man Servant or two such weaker Servants as aforesaid on every 100 acres a Master or Mistres shall possesse; besides what was graunted for his or her own person; In failer of which upon notificac'on to the present occupant or his assignes there shall be three yeares given to such for their compleating the said number of persons, or for their Sale or other disposure of such part of their Lands as are not soe peopled within which time of three yeares if any person holding any Lands shall faile by himselfe his Agents executors or Assignes or some other way to provide such number of persons, unles the generall Assembly shall without respect to poverty judge it was impossible for the party soe failing to keep or procure his or her number of Servants to be provided as aforesaid; In such case wee the Lords to have power of disposeing of soe much of such Lands as shall not be planted with its due number of persons as aforesaid to some other that will plant the same, Provided alwaies that noe person arriving into the said Province with purpose to settle (they being Subjects or naturalized as aforesaid) bee denied a Grant of such proporc'ons of Land as at the time of their arrivall there, are due to themselves or Servants by Concession from us as aforesaid, but have full licence to take up and settle the same in such Order and manner as is granted or prescribed; All Lands (notwithstanding the powers in the Assembly aforesaid) shall be taken up by Warrant from the Governor, and confirmed by the Governor and Councell under a Seale to be provided for that purpose in such Order and method as shalbe set down in this declaracon and more at large in the instructions to the Governor and Councell.