An Act against Trading with Negro Slaves.

East New Jersey Laws, March-May 1682, ch.IV, L&S 254

[§1] WHEREAS it is found by daily experience, that negro and Indian slaves, or servants under pretence of trade, or liberty to traffick, do frequently steal from their masters and others what they expose to sale at distance from their habitations, and it being a known truth, that without a receiver the thief would soon desert his practice. Be it therefore enacted by the Governor, Council, and deputies in General Assembly met and assembled, and by the authority of the same, that all and every person or persons, being a planter or inhabitant within this Province, who shall at any time hereafter, buy, sell, barter, trade or traffique with any negro slave, or Indian slave, or servant, for any rum, brandy, wine or strong drink, or any other goods, wares or commodities, living or dead, within this Province of East New Jersey, shall pay for the first offence five pounds, and for the second and every other offence ten pounds, of the money of this Province, to be recovered by bill, plaint, indictment, information or otherwise, in any court of record within this Province; the one third, thereof to the use of the informer, the other third part thereof to the use of the government, the other third part to the publick treasury of the Province. [§2] And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all and every person within this Province, in case any negro, or Indian slave, or servant, shall tender, bring or offer to sell, barter, or trade with or any matter or for thing to any person without permission or licence of his master or mistress, such negro slave, or servant, shall and may be taken up and be whiped by the person or persons to whom he shall tender such sale, and such person whiping such negro, or Indian slave, or servant, shall have the reward of half a crown paid him by the master or mistress of such negro, or Indian slave, or servant.