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Chapter: 1B -

34:1b-1: Short title

34:1b-2: Legislative findings, determinations.

34:1b-3: Definitions.

34:1b-4: "New Jersey Economic Development Authority."

34:1b-4a: NJEDA building designated in memory of Caren S. Franzini.

34:1b-4b: Funding for signage.

34:1b-4.1: Contracts to secure bonds, other obligations.

34:1b-4.2: Motion Picture and Television Development Commission, transfer, Business Action Center, Department of State.

34:1b-4.3: Regulations.

34:1b-5: Powers.

34:1b-5.1: Rules and regulations relative to payment of prevailing wage rate; "authority financial assistance" defined.

34:1b-5.2: Administration and enforcement of rules and regulations

34:1b-5.3: Violation of rules and regulations

34:1b-5.4: Rules, regulations relative to establishment of affirmative action program.

34:1b-5.5: Limitation of claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs for school facilities projects.

34:1b-5.9: Bonds deemed fully negotiable.

34:1b-6: Determinations prior to commitment for assistance.

34:1b-7: Economic development fund

34:1b-7.1: Legislative findings and declarations

34:1b-7.2: Fund for community development purposes

34:1b-7.3: Appropriations to economic development fund; use

34:1b-7.4: Financing of projects; economic feasibility and recovery of costs

34:1b-7.5: Projects; factors for consideration for financial assistance

34:1b-7.6: Annual report

34:1b-7.7: Repayment by Economic Development Authority

34:1b-7.8: Funds transferred

34:1b-7.9: Prepayment at discount

34:1b-7.10: Short title

34:1b-7.11: Findings, determinations

34:1b-7.12: "Economic Recovery Fund" established

34:1b-7.13: Use of moneys in fund.

34:1b-7.14: Determination of projects to be financed

34:1b-7.15: Payments to Economic Recovery Fund

34:1b-7.16: Contracts for implementation of payment arrangement

34:1b-7.17: Report to Governor, Legislature

34:1b-7.18: Legislative approval of certain transactions

34:1b-7.19: Definitions; program authorized

34:1b-7.20: Short title

34:1b-7.21: Findings, declarations

34:1b-7.22: Definitions

34:1b-7.23: "Public School Facilities Code Compliance Loan Fund"

34:1b-7.24: "Public School Facilities Loan Assistance Fund"

34:1b-7.25: Issuance of bonds; "Public Schools Small Projects Loan Assistance Fund"

34:1b-7.26: Preliminary approval of loan application

34:1b-7.27: Adoption of rules, taking administrative action

34:1b-7.28: Short title

34:1b-7.29: Findings, declarations

34:1b-7.30: Definitions

34:1b-7.31: "New Jersey Boat Industry Loan Guarantee Program" established

34:1b-7.32: "New Jersey Boat Industry Loan Guarantee Fund"

34:1b-7.33: Establishment of reserves

34:1b-7.34: Agreements

34:1b-7.35: Report to Governor, Legislature

34:1b-7.36: Rules, regulations

34:1b-7.37: Short title

34:1b-7.38: Findings, declarations

34:1b-7.39: Definitions relative to emerging technology, biotechnology.

34:1b-7.40: "New Jersey Emerging Technology and Biotechnology Financial Assistance Program" established

34:1b-7.41: "New Jersey Emerging Technology and Biotechnology Financial Assistance Fund"

34:1b-7.42: Applications for money from fund; criteria; agreements.

34:1b-7.42a: Corporation business tax benefit certificate transfer program.

34:1b-7.42b: Definitions relative to certain corporation tax benefit program.

34:1b-7.42c: Authorization to approve certain transfers of tax benefits.

34:1b-7.43: Report

34:1b-7.44: Rules, regulations

34:1b-7.45: Short title

34:1b-7.46: Findings, declarations relative to issuance of bonds, notes, other obligations to fund accrued pension liability

34:1b-7.47: Definitions relative to issuance of bonds, notes, other obligations to fund accrued pension liability

34:1b-7.48: Powers of authority concerning bonds

34:1b-7.49: Payments of debt service to authority; schedule

34:1b-7.50: State, authority contracts authorized; terms, conditions

34:1b-7.51: Annual report, contents

34:1b-7.52: Supersedure by act

34:1b-7.53: Severability of act

34:1b-8: Public utility facilities; definition; powers

34:1b-9: Power to authorize issuance of bonds.

34:1b-10: Powers of authority by resolution.

34:1b-11: Bonds; negotiability

34:1b-12: Covenants with bondholders

34:1b-13: Pledge of revenues; lien

34:1b-14: Nonliability of members of authority, or of state or political subdivision

34:1b-15: Powers constitute essential governmental function; tax exempt status.

34:1b-15.1: Contiguous municipalities with project; agreements to share revenues; reciprocal ordinances

34:1b-15.2: Agreement; apportionment of costs of services and services to be supplied

34:1b-16: Legal investments

34:1b-17: Sureties or collateral for deposits of authority

34:1b-18: Inapplicability of other laws

34:1b-19: Severability

34:1b-20: Counties; contracts with authority; resolution; powers for financial aid

34:1b-21: Property of authority; exemption from execution or other judicial process

34:1b-21.1: Short title

34:1b-21.2: Findings, declarations

34:1b-21.3: Definitions

34:1b-21.4: Issuance of Market Transition Facility, Motor Vehicle Commission bonds, notes.

34:1b-21.5: Powers of authority.

34:1b-21.5a: Applicability of P.L.2004, c.83 to prior bond proceeds.

34:1b-21.6: Payment of redemption of bonds, notes.

34:1b-21.7: "Market Transition Facility Revenue Fund."

34:1b-21.8: Use of monies, agreements, exemption from taxation.

34:1b-21.9: Bonds, notes as special, limited obligations.

34:1b-21.10: State pledge regarding bonds, notes, other obligations.

34:1b-21.11: Statement from Department of the Treasury, authority

34:1b-21.12: "Division of Motor Vehicles Surcharge Fund."

34:1b-21.13: Agreements between EDA and State; EDA and Motor Vehicle Commission.

34:1b-21.14: Transfer of monies to Facility Revenue Fund

34:1b-21.15: Semi-annual reports

34:1b-21.16: Short title.

34:1b-21.17: Definitions relative to issuance of cigarette tax securitization bonds.

34:1b-21.18: "Cigarette Tax Securitization Proceeds Fund."

34:1b-21.19: Powers of authority.

34:1b-21.20: "Dedicated Cigarette Tax Revenue Fund."

34:1b-21.21: Contracts to implement payment arrangement.

34:1b-21.22: "Cigarette Tax Securitization Fund."

34:1b-21.23: Short title.

34:1b-21.24: Definitions relative to motor vehicle surcharges securitization bonds.

34:1b-21.25: "Motor Vehicle Surcharges Securitization Proceeds Fund."

34:1b-21.25a: Findings, declarations relative to special needs housing; trust fund, established; use.

34:1b-21.26: Powers of authority.

34:1b-21.27: "Unsafe Driving Surcharges Fund."

34:1b-21.28: "Motor Vehicle Surcharges Revenue Fund."

34:1b-21.29: Contracts to implement payment arrangement.

34:1b-21.30: Motor Vehicle Surcharges Securitization Fund.

34:1b-21.31: Definitions relative to financing of certain stem cell, life sciences, and biomedical research facilities.

34:1b-21.32: Findings, declarations relative to certain stem cell, life sciences, and biomedical research.

34:1b-21.33: Powers of authority.

34:1b-21.34: Appropriations for payment of obligations incurred.

34:1b-21.35: Contracts to implement payment arrangement.

34:1b-21.36: Amounts provided by authority; projects, amounts, certain.

34:1b-21.37: Definitions.

34:1b-21.38: School facilities projects, charter school, renaissance school project, eligible borrower, subject to public bidding requirements.

34:1b-21.39: "Charter School and Renaissance School Project Facilities Loan Program" established.

34:1b-21.40: "Charter School and Renaissance School Project Facilities Loan Fund" established, maintained, non-lapsing, revolving fund.

34:1b-21.41: Annual appropriations, New Jersey Economic Development Authority.

34:1b-21.42: Charter school, SDA district, construction of facility with public funds other than federal.

34:1b-22: Short title

34:1b-23: Legislative findings and determinations

34:1b-24: Motion Picture and Television Development Commission.

34:1b-25: Organization; vote required; executive director and other employees

34:1b-26: Annual report

34:1b-27: Powers.

34:1b-28: Programs to promote motion picture and television industry

34:1b-29: Severability

34:1b-30: Legislative findings

34:1b-31: Short title

34:1b-32: Study of best means to encourage employee stock ownership plans

34:1b-33: Conduct of study; considerations, consultations and investigations

34:1b-34: Development of plan

34:1b-35: Annual reports to legislature

34:1b-36: Short title

34:1b-37: Legislative findings and declaration

34:1b-38: Definitions

34:1b-39: Establishment of fund; source of deposits; use of funds

34:1b-40: Form, amount and terms of financial assistance; repayment

34:1b-41: Criteria for evaluating and ranking applications for financial assistance

34:1b-42: Schedule of application periods; ranking of applications; finding of feasibility

34:1b-43: Project plan; contents; determinations prior to final approval

34:1b-44: Approval or disapproval of application; notice

34:1b-45: Arrangement for financial assistance; repayment

34:1b-46: Report

34:1b-47: Findings, declarations

34:1b-48: Definitions

34:1b-49: Development Authority for Small Businesses, Minorities and Women's Enterprises

34:1b-50: Powers of authority

34:1b-51: Loans, other extensions of credit

34:1b-52: Waiver of bonding requirements

34:1b-53: Issuance of bonds

34:1b-54: No State liability

34:1b-55: Bonds fully negotiable

34:1b-56: Power to covenant

34:1b-57: Casino authority investments

34:1b-58: Contracts binding

34:1b-59: No personal interest

34:1b-60: Expenses from revenues

34:1b-61: Authorized investment

34:1b-62: Short title

34:1b-63: Findings, determinations

34:1b-64: Definitions

34:1b-65: "New Jersey Global Export Network Program"

34:1b-66: "Global Export Network Assistance Fund"

34:1b-67: Establishment of reserves, liquid reserves

34:1b-68: Agreements with participating banks

34:1b-69: Rules, regulations

34:1b-70: Short title

34:1b-71: Findings, declarations relative to microlending

34:1b-72: Definitions

34:1b-73: New Jersey Micro-Business Assistance Program

34:1b-74: "New Jersey Micro-Business Assistance Fund"

34:1b-75: Development loans to micro-business development corporations

34:1b-76: Certification of micro-business development corporation

34:1b-77: Additional powers of authority

34:1b-78: Additional duties of authority

34:1b-79: Rules, regulations

34:1b-80: Short title

34:1b-81: Findings, declarations relative to strategies promoting businesses

34:1b-82: Definitions

34:1b-83: Assistance to key industries

34:1b-84: Coordination, cooperation with programs, organizations

34:1b-85: Private industry membership fees for sector networks

34:1b-86: Allocation of matching funds

34:1b-87: Rules, regulations

34:1b-88: Short title

34:1b-89: Findings, declarations relative to business relocations

34:1b-90: Establishment of State Relocation Missions, terms defined

34:1b-91: Establishment of Foreign Relocation Missions

34:1b-92: Report to Governor, Legislature

34:1b-93: Short title

34:1b-94: Findings, declarations relative to export financing.

34:1b-95: Definitions.

34:1b-96: Investment of moneys in export financing company.

34:1b-97: Qualification as export financing company.

34:1b-98: Purpose of company

34:1b-99: Export Finance Company Advisory Council.

34:1b-100: Regional and contractual arrangements encouraged

34:1b-101: Short title

34:1b-102: Findings, declarations relative to business directories, public-private cooperation

34:1b-103: New Jersey Purchase First Program

34:1b-104: Development, distribution of directories; "industry sector network" defined

34:1b-105: Report to Governor, Legislature

34:1b-106: Rules, regulations

34:1b-107: Short title

34:1b-108: Findings, declarations relative to small capital businesses; determinations

34:1b-109: Definitions relative to small capital businesses

34:1b-110: New Capital Sources Board established, powers

34:1b-111: New Capital Sources Partnership, purposes

34:1b-112: Short title.

34:1b-113: Definitions relative to business retention and relocation assistance.

34:1b-114: Business Retention and Relocation Assistance Grant Program.

34:1b-115: Grant of tax credits; qualifications.

34:1b-115.1: Bonus awards to certain businesses.

34:1b-115.2: Qualification for grant of tax credits.

34:1b-115.3: Limit on total value of grants of tax credits; approval schedule.

34:1b-116: Grant application.

34:1b-118: Grant limitations.

34:1b-118.1: Award, amount of grant; factors.

34:1b-119: Rules, regulations relative to program.

34:1b-120: Certificate of compliance indicating amount of tax credits.

34:1b-120.1: Rules for recapture of tax credits.

34:1b-120.2: Corporation business tax, insurance premiums tax credits.

34:1b-121: Annual report on program.

34:1b-123: Appropriation capped by retained tax revenue.

34:1b-124: Short title

34:1b-125: Definitions relative to business employment incentives.

34:1b-126: Business Employment Incentive Program established

34:1b-127: Project requirements.

34:1b-128: Grant application.

34:1b-129: Employment incentive grant criteria.

34:1b-130: Incentive agreement

34:1b-131: Submission of NJ tax return, other information; audit.

34:1b-132: Failure of business to comply, circumstances

34:1b-133: Disbursement conditions.

34:1b-134: Grant limitations.

34:1b-135: Implementation, study.

34:1b-136: Fees

34:1b-137: Rules.

34:1b-137.1: Rules, regulations.

34:1b-138: Annual report.

34:1b-139: Appropriation capped by new revenues

34:1b-139.1: Powers of authority relative to bonds.

34:1b-139.2: Contract payments to authority for debt service.

34:1b-139.3: Contracts between State Treasurer and authority authorized.

34:1b-139.4: Pilot program established, New Jersey Economic Development Authority, grants, businesses, employees, residents assigned to New Jersey locations.

34:1b-140: Economic Development Site Task Force

34:1b-141: Project application procedure; priority list; appropriations

34:1b-142: Eligibility for economic development site funds

34:1b-143: Appropriation from fund

34:1b-144: Short title

34:1b-145: Findings, declarations relative to unification of ports

34:1b-146: Definitions relative to unification of ports

34:1b-147: Powers of authority

34:1b-148: Payment of, redemption of bonds, notes

34:1b-149: "Port Facility Revenue Fund"

34:1b-150: Use of moneys in Port Facility Revenue Fund

34:1b-151: Bonds, notes considered special, limited obligations

34:1b-152: Pledges, covenants with holders of bonds, notes, obligations

34:1b-153: Immunity for authority, members, employees

34:1b-154: Immunity for South Jersey Port Corporation, members, employees

34:1b-155: Limited immunity for Delaware River Port Authority

34:1b-156: Agreements authorized

34:1b-157: Cooperation of South Jersey Port Corporation with authority to effect transfer

34:1b-158: Authority not to acquire certain port facilities

34:1b-159: Additional powers of authority to form subsidiary

34:1b-160: Joint ventures

34:1b-161: Written summary of developments in Camden

34:1b-162: Authority's activities, tax exempt; in lieu of taxes on commercial activities

34:1b-163: Eligibility of employees for State Health Benefits Program

34:1b-164: Concurrent resolution expressing disapproval of Legislature

34:1b-165: Short title.

34:1b-166: Definitions relative to local-State business incentive promotion.

34:1b-167: "Local-State Business Incentive Promotion Program" created.

34:1b-168: Use of moneys; sources.

34:1b-169: Loan criteria.

34:1b-170: Investment of moneys.

34:1b-171: Coordination of efforts, activities.

34:1b-172: Report, contents.

34:1b-173: Agreement, cancelled, rescinded.

34:1b-174: Rules, regulations.

34:1b-175: Findings, determinations relative to informational sessions for veterans

34:1b-176: Development of informational sessions by EDA

34:1b-177: Preparation of report to Governor, Legislature

34:1b-178: Short title

34:1b-179: Findings, declarations relative to film production assistance

34:1b-180: Definitions relative to film production assistance

34:1b-181: New Jersey Film Production Assistance Program

34:1b-182: Establishment, maintenance of program; funding; use

34:1b-183: Report to Governor, Legislature

34:1b-184: Rules, regulations

34:1b-185: Definitions relative to sales tax exemption program.

34:1b-186: Program to approve issuance of certificates to qualifying businesses.

34:1b-187: Submission of project application; eligibility.

34:1b-188: Rules, regulations.

34:1b-189: Low-interest loans for medical offices in Health Enterprise Zones, definitions.

34:1b-190: Short title.

34:1b-191: Findings, declarations relative to sports and entertainment districts.

34:1b-192: Definitions relative to sports and entertainment districts

34:1b-193: Establishment of a sports and entertainment district.

34:1b-194: Tax revenues dedicated to sports and entertainment district; imposition of taxes.

34:1b-195: Provisions of ordinance imposing tax.

34:1b-196: Collection of tax.

34:1b-197: Forwarding of tax collected to Director of Taxation.

34:1b-198: Submission of ordinance as application to State Treasurer; criteria for approval.

34:1b-199: Treasurer's recommendations; approval; adoption of ordinance.

34:1b-200: Amending ordinance required for changing district boundaries, pledged revenues.

34:1b-201: Preparation of final financial plan by developer.

34:1b-202: Submission of final financial plan to municipality, approval by treasurer.

34:1b-203: Treasurer's recommendations relative to final financial plan.

34:1b-204: Collection, administration of tax.

34:1b-205: Use of revenues; fund, uses.

34:1b-206: Bonds not considered debt, liability of State.

34:1b-207: Short title.

34:1b-208: Definitions relative to the "Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit Act."

34:1b-209: Credit for qualified business facilities, conditions for eligibility; allowance.

34:1b-209.1: Application for tax credit transfer certificate.

34:1b-209.2: Definitions.

34:1b-209.3: Developer allowed certain tax credits.

34:1b-209.4: Credit to business for wind energy facility; eligibility.

34:1b-210: Findings, declarations relative to abolishing the New Jersey Commerce Commission.

34:1b-211: Definitions relative to C.34:1B-210 et seq.

34:1b-212: New Jersey Commerce Commission abolished.

34:1b-213: Disposition of Executive Director, employees of New Jersey Commerce Commission.

34:1b-214: Regulations continued.

34:1b-215: Division of Business Assistance, Marketing, and International Trade established.

34:1b-216: Transfer of functions, powers, duties of Executive Director.

34:1b-217: Transfer of functions, powers, duties of Office of Marketing and Communications.

34:1b-218: Transfer of functions, powers, duties of Office of Business Advocacy.

34:1b-219: Transfer of certain functions, powers, duties of New Jersey Commerce Commission.

34:1b-220: Transfer of Energy Sales Tax Exemption Program for certain counties.

34:1b-221: Transfer of Brownfields Reimbursement Program.

34:1b-222: Transfer of Municipal Landfill Closure and Remediation Reimbursement Program.

34:1b-223: Transfer of New Jersey Economic Development Site Program.

34:1b-224: Transfer of Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit Program.

34:1b-225: Transfer of New Jersey Urban Enterprise Zone Authority, Office of Urban Enterprise Zone Authority.

34:1b-226: Transfer of Division of International Trade and Protocol.

34:1b-227: Transfer of Division of Development for Small Businesses and Women's and Minority Businesses.

34:1b-228: Transfer of authority to appoint certain executive directors.

34:1b-229: Transfer of tourism-related functions to Department of State.

34:1b-230: Economic Development Site Task Force abolished.

34:1b-231: Dredging Project Facilitation Task Force abolished.

34:1b-232: Export Finance Company Advisory Council abolished.

34:1b-233: Transfer of Motion Picture and Television Development Commission.

34:1b-234: New Jersey Development Authority for Small Businesses, Minorities and Women's Enterprises abolished.

34:1b-235: New Capital Sources Board abolished.

34:1b-236: Authorization, procedure for transfers.

34:1b-237: Short title.

34:1b-238: Definitions relative to the "InvestNJ Business Grant Program Act."

34:1b-239: Invest in New Jersey Business Grant Program.

34:1b-240: Employment grant component for eligible businesses.

34:1b-241: Rules, regulations.

34:1b-241.1: Definitions relative to a small business loan program.

34:1b-241.2: Maintenance, administration of small business loan program.

34:1b-241.3: Rules, regulations.

34:1b-242: Short title.

34:1b-243: Definitions relative to the "Grow New Jersey Assistance Act."

34:1b-244: Grow New Jersey Assistance Program.

34:1b-245: Agreement required prior to issuance of tax credits.

34:1b-246: Value of tax credit for eligible business.

34:1b-247: Limit on value of approved credits.

34:1b-248: Application for tax credit transfer certificate.

34:1b-249: Rules, regulations adopted by chief executive officer, authority.

34:1b-250: Certain sales, conveyances authorized.

34:1b-251: Definitions relative to certain economic development projects.

34:1b-252: Definitions relative to certain small business funding.

34:1b-253: "Small Business Bonding Readiness Assistance Program," "Small Business Bonding Readiness Assistance Fund."

34:1b-254: Definitions relative to financing of certain businesses.

34:1b-255: Certain businesses included.

34:1b-256: Findings, declarations relative to tax credits for certain business headquarters.

34:1b-257: Definitions relative to tax credits for certain business headquarters.

34:1b-258: Transformative Headquarters Economic Assistance Program.

34:1b-259: Incentive agreement prior to issuance of tax credits.

34:1b-260: Total amount of tax credit.

34:1b-261: Application for tax credits.

34:1b-262: Application of tax credit against tax liability.

34:1b-263: Forfeiture, reduction of tax credit.

34:1b-264: Rules, regulations.

34:1b-265: Employee rights to certain inventions.

34:1b-267: Maintainence, administration of loan program and application process

34:1b-268: Rules, regulations

34:1b-268.2: Loan program established; funding workplace accomodations.

34:1b-268.6: "New Jersey Social Innovation Study Commission" established; duties; membership criteria.

34:1b-268.1: Definitions.

34:1b-268.5: Social innovation loan pilot program established; effectiveness, scope determined.

34:1b-268.9: Report issued to Governor, Legislature; detailing financing, loan guarantee recipients.

34:1b-268.4: Definitions.

34:1b-268.8: Director to manage "social innovation loan fund."

34:1b-268.3: Short title.

34:1b-268.7: "Social innovation loan fund" established; funds appropriated.

34:1b-269: Short title.

34:1b-270: Short title.

34:1b-271: Definitions.

34:1b-272: Tax credit.

34:1b-273: Corporation business tax credit transfer certificate program, insurance premiums tax credit transfer certificate program.

34:1b-274: Rules, regulations.

34:1b-275: Rules for recapture of tax credit amount.

34:1b-276: Written report.

34:1b-277: Short title.

34:1b-278: Definitions.

34:1b-279: Brownfields Redevelopment Incentive Program.

34:1b-280: Application for tax credit.

34:1b-281: Redevelopment agreement.

34:1b-282: Qualification for tax credit.

34:1b-283: Update of status of redevelopment project.

34:1b-284: Certification upon completion of redevelopment project.

34:1b-285: Application for tax credit transfer certificate.

34:1b-286: Report by State colleges, universities.

34:1b-287: Regulations.

34:1b-288: Short title.

34:1b-289: Definitions.

34:1b-290: New Jersey Innovation Evergreen Program.

34:1b-291: "New Jersey Innovation Evergreen Fund."

34:1b-292: Sale of tax credits.

34:1b-293: Contract between purchaser and authority.

34:1b-294: Application of credit to State tax liability.

34:1b-295: Application for tax credit transfer certificate.

34:1b-296: Application process.

34:1b-297: Criteria for qualified venture firm.

34:1b-298: Allocation of money to venture firms.

34:1b-299: Report by venture firm.

34:1b-300: New Jersey Innovation Evergreen Advisory Board.

34:1b-301: Report on implementation of program.

34:1b-302: Regulations.

34:1b-303: Short title.

34:1b-304: Findings, declarations.

34:1b-305: Definitions.

34:1b-306: Food Desert Relief Program.

34:1b-307: Award of credit against tax due.

34:1b-308.2: Tax credit award agreement; taxpayer ability to pledge, assign, transfer, sell right, title, interest.

34:1b-308.1: Tax credit transfer certificate, application.

34:1b-308: Credit against tax due.

34:1b-309: Rules, regulations.

34:1b-310: Annual report.

34:1b-311: Short title.

34:1b-312: Purpose of New Jersey Community-Anchored Development Act.

34:1b-313: Definitions.

34:1b-314: New Jersey Community-Anchored Development Program.

34:1b-315: Eligibility to receive tax credit.

34:1b-316: Submission of application by anchor institution.

34:1b-317: Awarding of tax credits.

34:1b-318: Tax credit agreement with anchor institution.

34:1b-319: Awarding of base tax credit.

34:1b-320: Report by anchor institution.

34:1b-321: Application for tax credit transfer certificate.

34:1b-322: Short title.

34:1b-323: Definitions.

34:1b-324: New Jersey Aspire Program.

34:1b-325: Eligibility for incentive award for redevelopment project.

34:1b-326: Application for incentive award.

34:1b-327: Awarding of incentive awards.

34:1b-328: Incentive award agreement.

34:1b-329: Total tax credit.

34:1b-330: Report by developer.

34:1b-331: Tax credit transfer certificate.

34:1b-332: Assignment of rights of incentive award agreement.

34:1b-333: "Transformative project."

34:1b-334: Report by State college, university.

34:1b-335: Regulations.

34:1b-335.2: Completed program application, pending approval, withdrawal, timeline.

34:1b-335.1: Program applications, "New Jersey Aspire Program Act".

34:1b-336: Short title.

34:1b-337: Definitions.

34:1b-338: Emerge Program.

34:1b-339: Application for tax credits.

34:1b-340: Application for approval of project.

34:1b-341: Project agreement.

34:1b-342: Site plan approval, financing, site control for qualified business facility.

34:1b-343: Total amount of tax credit.

34:1b-344: Forfeit of credit.

34:1b-345: Annual report.

34:1b-346: Application for tax credit transfer certificate.

34:1b-347: Report by State college, university.

34:1b-348: Regulations.

34:1b-349: Short title.

34:1b-350: Definitions.

34:1b-351: Main Street Recovery Finance Program.

34:1b-352: Grants to eligible small businesses.

34:1b-353: Moneys available to eligible lenders.

34:1b-354: Regulations.

34:1b-355: Working Group on Entrepreneur Zones.

34:1b-356: Short title.

34:1b-357: Definitions.

34:1b-358: New Jersey Ignite Program.

34:1b-359: Application for certification as collaborative workspace.

34:1b-360: Start-up rent grants.

34:1b-361: Rules, regulations.

34:1b-362: Combined value of all tax credits.

34:1b-363: Short title.

34:1b-364: Definitions.

34:1b-365: Chief Compliance Officer.

34:1b-366: Office of the Economic Development Inspector General.

34:1b-367: Powers of Economic Development Inspector General.

34:1b-368: Report by Economic Development Inspector General.

34:1b-369: Rules, regulations.

34:1b-370: Short title.

34:1b-371: Findings, declarations relative to entrepreneurs.

34:1b-372: Definitions relative to the New Jersey Innovation Fellows Program.

34:1b-374: Findings, declarations.

34:1b-375: Definitions.

34:1b-376: Report to Governor, Legislature.

34:1b-377: Garden State C-PACE program.

34:1b-378: Information published on Internet website.

34:1b-379: Local C-PACE program.

34:1b-380: Application to establish local C-PACE program.

34:1b-381: Fee charged to county, municipality.

34:1b-382: Financing, assessment on property.

34:1b-383: Short title.

34:1b-384: Findings, declarations.

34:1b-385: Definitions.

34:1b-386: "Cultural Arts Incentives Program" established, New Jersey Economic Development Authority.

34:1b-387: Cultural arts institution, tax credit eligibility.

34:1b-388: Cultural arts institution seeking tax credit, application, New Jersey State Council on the Arts, consultation.

34:1b-389: New Jersey Economic Development Authority, awarding tax credits, competitive application process, at least one award round each year.

34:1b-390: New Jersey Economic Development Authority, cultural arts institution, tax credit agreement.

34:1b-391: Cultural arts institution, approved cultural arts project, tax credit, awarded.

34:1b-392: Cultural arts institution, tax credit transfer certificate, selling, assigning.

34:1b-393: Rules, regulations.